Anyone know of a UK stockist of this awesome looking joystick?
Why not? At least give a reason, I havent read a bad review of it yet.mattmagoo posted on Sep 21 2004 at 08:16 PM said:DONT GET ONE
Before I start this reply I should probably point out that im a huge fan of MAME and use it all the time.mattmagoo posted on Sep 21 2004 at 09:04 PM said:a.) they dont use real arcade parts (they are cheap and sticky)
b.) they dont give the same sorta life as real controls
c.) If you built one using real controls and an I-pac board it will slightly cheaper
d.) You cant customize the button layout
e.) The joysticks are nasty
f.) it is massive
if u know anything about wiring make your own, you wont need to solder a thing, but you can customize your controls, make it look how you want and have better buttons
and Pintsized 2 prolly wont exist
(if you arent a big arcade nut you wont notice the diffrence, but i spend a lot of time playing on em, and Xarcade just feels cheap and sickly)
Yeahy I have a Dreamcast Arcade Stick as well but im a hardware whore!yaustar posted on Sep 23 2004 at 02:39 AM said:I tend to use the Dreamcast's Virtu Stick with a DC -> USB dongle for my arcade games.... the stick is a little loose for my liking but the button layout is fantastic
Before that though i hotwired a old logic3 joystick to a crappy usb joypad (total cost = £20) which was greatSince then I hotwired another one. Pity the button layout is poor...
Nice idea but not practical in my small flat!yaustar posted on Sep 23 2004 at 11:50 PM said:In that case go all in.. get an arcade cabinet