ok this is one of those milestone projects that i just have never reached ... or got off the first rung tbh.
That coinslag is a great website btw, really nice info put there and i like the look of the site and i like the URL.
ive always wanted a cabinet, but my flat is too small for one really, as i would have to keep it in "the game room" which has low ceiling, its a loft flat so the ceiling is all mad angles. Not ideal for a 6 foot standing cabinet as the only place it could reside is smack bang in the middle of the room.
have been thinking for a while now about having one of the coffee table style ones, i liked the Zombie Slim cab which is a flat pack kit from gremlins, but although its slim against the wall it still is too tall.
i did look into IPAC boards ages ago and they did seem simple, simple pairing process it seemed.
also looked into those x-arcade, as they could be dropped into a table of sorts i guess, providing i cut the table right.
i got a coinops xbox sitting in my room, i recently found an article online too which explained how to get the xbox to boot straight into coinops - the closest thing to something like hyperspin frontend i guess - which is begging to be linked up to some arcade controls and used properly.
so, with a plan to use an original xbox rather than a PC, any good pointers for arcade controls?
the x-arcade have adapters but [i think] only for PS3 and xbox360.
can i somehow hook up an IPAC board to an original xbox rather than PC? If i could, i think that would be the best thing for me, i could - with some diagrams downloaded from that coinslag site - cut up a wooden box and then buy Sanwa sticks and buttons to use in it. I would definately want to get some nifty looking LED stick and buttons, and seen loads of nice ones on gremlins site.
im just stuck on 'if' i can even connect arcade controls to an original xbox, using IPAC. If i could then i think i would just try my hand at that ... also wouldnt need to mess with monitors as i would just have the lead from my xbox which id connect to my LCD, so not really a cabinet at all, more of a mini table what has an xbox in it and full size arcade controls built onto it.
give me advice please