Wtf? Ok Who Listed This One....

I have made money buying stocks when the market was down and selling them later. There is nothing evil about this, it's just business. If I'd anticipated how much Pandoras were going to sell for on ebay, I'd probably have done that too.

To everyone complaining about jumpman making money, I'm wondering how do you people earn a living?
Neko said:
To everyone complaining about jumpman making money, I'm wondering how do you people earn a living?
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I am trying to stay outta this as I said my piece, but damn Mali, that was pretty funny...

And paulguy, yup, that is exactly how I feel...not angry at someone's gain, just a bit like a jilted lover....sounds pathetic to say it out loud though :)
Mjlink said:
Smart rich people form corporations. Its the legal form of money laundering. Exxon-Mobile is a perfect example of how the working class of America get fleeced by multi-national corporations that make record profits.

Banks aren't setup to protect the working class money. Where did billions of bailout money go? Look at GM... bailed out by the taxpayer. Who is bailing out the banks? The taxpayer. Healthcare? God we're fucked.

So you want to take more money from poor people popping out kids doing nothing? How about giving them a job, rather than outsourcing EVERYTHING?

A corporation helps to protect assets , not lessen taxes for the most part. The more money a corporation makes the higher the tax rate just like a regular business. And dividends are taxed on a sliding scale also. Do some research please.

And "Give" them a job? WTF !!

Go out and get a job. Give me a break. As studies have shown, the majority of "poor" people in the USA feel they deserve Welfare and tax breaks and would rather live on this money than get a job. The system is broke and doesn't work. We need a new system, I'm sure we can agree on that.

And I do agree that a few having most of the money is stupid. But giving people something for nothing is even more stupid. If you don't work you should not eat. (Adults not innocent children of course).

Capitalism doesn't work neither does Socialism. But laziness really doesn't work. And blatantly putting the blame on "rich" people is silly also.
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Wow thinking about selling mine if people are keen to purchase it at those prices.

I mean it's good to have the first edition but I could do with that extra money and buy 2 second batch ones hehe :P

Only thing I hate about my unit is the stuck or deal green pixel in the right hand corner apart from that perfect :)

I love my Pandora and would not sell it, but if I can get 1500 AU for it hmm.. :P

*wonders how much would get for listing it on Australian ebay muahahah* :P
If people bought Pandoras to sell on Ebay they deserve to make money because they were clevernot mentally challenged enough not to realize that things often cost more when there is no supply(for the time being) of a very unique thing, the price will shoot up...
mali said:
Neko said:
To everyone complaining about jumpman making money, I'm wondering how do you people earn a living?
...Snip... Pic

Ha! look he brought a stand/tripod with him! you can tell these guys are pro!

Not like the guy who busk's around my way, he uses a can of Special Brew to prop-up his didgeridoo...
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kingoddball said:
Why take a preorder from some else who actually WANTS the device just to sell on eBay?!

Apparently you don't WANT it as much as the guy prepared to pay stupid money for it on ebay. If these devices should be allocated according to WANT, then he wins.
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jonjandran said:
And I do agree that a few having most of the money is stupid. But giving people something for nothing is even more stupid. If you don't work you should not eat. (Adults not innocent children of course).

Isn't this what stocks and banking are all about? When was the last time a banker plowed a field, or wrote some code, or created anything tangible of value. The federal reserve act passed in the 1910s gives the private bankers that own the Fed the exclusive right to create money from nothing and then charge us interest on it. The typical house loan borrower pays the bank interest equal to the initial value of the loan over the life of the loan, all for money created from nothing. For many home owners this represents thousands a month in interest payments alone. Why can't I have the ability to create money from nothing, then charge interest on it? Instead I have to work in order to eat.

There is a reason that interest (usury) has been illegal in many cultures historically. It is the idea of getting paid for doing no work. Sounds like a welfare cheat to me. But we call it banking and the stock market. Enough for now. Don't want to be late for work.
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bustaballs said:
Anti-fraud laws prevent companies from "ripping off" consumers.

"Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt.

Ludwig Von Mises

Friedrich Hayek

Murray Rothbard.

Thomas Paine.

Peter Schiff

Ron Paul.

If you were seeking to completely undermine any trust the historically informed might have in your opinion on economics, then mission accomplished.
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Well guys might list mine I reackon. I'm happy to wait for a 2nd batch when software is more mature. I reackon it's a fantastic device best dpad I've used in a long time. but I could do with a little cash atm. I might preorder 2 from the second batch. Just could do with that extra money atm, I know it's sad but true :P . But least I can say I was one of the first to have a little Panda.

Oh I'll be listing it on Australian Ebay, I'd prefer sell it locally but if you overseas guys want it bid away.
Mjlink said:
So you want to take more money from poor people popping out kids doing nothing? How about giving them a job, rather than outsourcing EVERYTHING?

Oh yes, because they are all just innocent people who haven't been able to get a job. -_-' You know, some of them are just lazy asses as well. (not all of them obviously) And also, outsourcing tends to create more jobs, it is only bad media that makes it look like it takes them away.

-God Ginrai
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Mjlink said:
Prometheus said:
Weren't jumpman's orders spread throughout the queue? I seem to recall him repeatedly making this very clear over the last year-and-a-half...
I remember this too, however, in the eyes of OP, it would be more fiscally prudent to send out all of his units at once, because I'm sure Craig & Co. are taking a hit on shipping.
I did ask the girls awhile ago about combining my orders into one as to save the team money on shipping(it was suggested to me from the forum actually), and then the extra funds could be donated to the D. fund, or where ever the team saw fit to put it to.

If all 4000 would have been built at once, it would have been a possibility, but since there was a delay, I could only get my original order. Which was only fair.

So the team could have saved some money, but they stayed true to the queue(the best they can anyway), and only shipped my original order.

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Argh it is to be expected, I guess, but not from forum regulars. At least make a sizeable donation to the Dev Pool with your 3x profits.
bustaballs said:
hedwards said:
ledow said:
I don't understand the hate. If someone wants to sell something they own and someone else is willing to give them what they think is a fair price, there's not much there to comment on. Supply and demand.
Capitalism is the reason why America remains a savage place to live. And I say that as a life long American. This pisses me off for largely the same reason that it pisses me off when the rich get unearned, undeserved tax breaks for having screwed the rest of us over.

Sure it's not terribly rational, but it's a dick move to sell them on eBay whilst the rest of us have to wait for our number to come up. It's kind of depressing to think that I'd be several units closer if people were hocking them online for outrageous sums of money.

Coincidentally capitalism is also the reason why I've been working at this job since a bit before I pre-ordered and have yet to be fully paid for a single day's worth of work. And why they've been stealing out of my paychecks, refusing to pay the overtime they're obligated to pay and generally behaving like dicks.

Capitalist apologistics isn't fundamentally any stronger a position than the people that think it's a dick move. And probably it's a worse one given the tendency to reward bad behaviour with piles of cash.

You seem to have zero understanding of capitalism. While America was based on capitalism, it has adopted many socialist and corporatist policies since the early-to-mid 1800s. So many, in fact, that most people who actually understand what free markets are would never suggest that current day America is a capitalist system. Free markets create a level playing field for everyone and do not judge or discriminate from person to person. Anti-fraud laws prevent companies from "ripping off" consumers. I recommend some reading material. To start off, pick up "Economics in One Lesson" by Henry Hazlitt. After that, pick up any book by that same author, Ludwig Von Mises, Friedrich Hayek, or Murray Rothbard. You can also check out classical material from Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine. For modern day economics reading, I suggest Peter Schiff (the guy that predicted the depression) or Ron Paul.
Actually, I know a good deal about capitalism. From Slavery and indentured servitude to the modern piracy of sub-living wages and illegal immigration. To suggest that the rich have earned what they've got by pure hardwork and intelligence is to misunderstand the whole problem. If you truly believe that a free market is a level playing field, then you haven't studies any legitimate books on capitalism. Capitalism is much more like high seas piracy than what you're suggesting.

Adam Smith for instance was very openly and very unapologetically opposed to the kind of system that we've created in America. He was deeply opposed to monopoly power and was very much of the mindset that a true free market economy would inevitably lead to a single source monopoly of everything that could be traded. But yet a couple hundred years ago, what do we have? Monopolies everywhere. A small number of corporations controlling huge portions of the economy and using their great power to screw over the workers that created the wealth in the first place.

Karl Marx, as misunderstood as he is by the conservative movement had no issues with capitalism. He did however have grave concerns about treating individuals as capital. In fact while he marveled at the accomplishments that capitalism provided, he was similarly horrified by the justification that capitalists made for abuses of the proletariat.

Those two alone have contributed more to the study of the economy than the entire list of people that you've provided.

jonjandran said:
hedwards said:
Capitalism is the reason why America remains a savage place to live. And I say that as a life long American. This pisses me off for largely the same reason that it pisses me off when the rich get unearned, undeserved tax breaks for having screwed the rest of us over.

Obviously you know nothing of how taxes work in the US either. The rich pay the MAJORITY of the taxes and are taxed at a rate near 40%. Meanwhile the poor pay no taxes and even get refunds for doing absolutely nothing but having kids and not working.

Yes some rich people try to manipulate the system. But tax records are open to the public for most rich people and when reviewed it is downright amazing how much taxes they pay.

Please enlighten yourself before posting nonsense.
Actually, that's not really a fair assessment to make. The 40% tax rate only applies to income tax. Capital gains tax tops out at 15% in the US at present. Most wealth is in the form of investments, bonds, stocks, rental property etc., most of which gets taxed at the 15% rate, usually lower when loopholes are involved. The rich also make the lion's share of the money in the US. The estimates I've seen are roughly that the top 10% control roughly 80% of the wealth in the US, but they only pay 15% tax on most of it. Of course the rich are going to pay more in total dollars when they own so much more of the wealth than the rest of us, but to suggest that they earned it the old fashioned way is absurd. Most of it is building upon an inheritance and other people's hard work.

The rich ultimately don't pay more than the rest of us do. Warren Buffet complained a while back that he was paying less taxes than most of his employees. Admittedly the man is a bit of a irregularity in that he never sold out, but he did have a point. Those that have more to lose with the dissolution of society have an obligation to pay more. Which they aren't. Tax breaks in recent decades combined with the piracy of the stock market has redistributed a lot of wealth up the income tax bracket.

And since this is so far off topic, I'm not going to continue it beyond this post.
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