WTB Pandora by paying gradually + extra cash. *Updated* price is up for negotiations

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Still Fresh
Jul 25, 2016
*Update* if 300 euro is too little for a 1 ghz pandora, then feel free to name your price. As long as it's reasonable, and in good condition.

Trying my luck here, anyone doesn't want their pandora 1ghz anymore? I'm looking for a fully functional Pandora system. I'm offering to pay up to 300 euro for it(*update* or whatever your price may be). but I can't pay it off at the get go. I could only do it gradually. we could either agree upon a monthly pay,weekly, or on a random, pay when I could basis (but this could mean paying in small amounts, but at a faster rate of depositing the money) Until the full 300 euro(*update* or whatever your price may be) is paid in full. should anyone agree to do this, I might one day deposit an extra amount of cash (not part of the agreed 300/or whatever your price might be.) but only if I received some huge paycheck or something like that... :\

I live in south east asia. we could try to work out the details over PM or on this thread.

How this would work: you send pics of your pandora system (please let it be in good condition :\ + your signature or any proper identification(weird hand signs,a cartoon character, etc..) so I have some assurance that it's not a scam >:T ) then you will quote the shipping price + the pandora itself. I would pay the shipping price in full, but the pandora will be paid gradually.
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How can the seller be sure that YOU wouldn't be scamming THEM? You'd get a Pandora and they'd never receive anything.

Mods - probably best to lock this?

Anyone feeling inclined to be scammed can always PM the OP if they want.
I have a suggestion.

You pay the person in small amounts over how ever long a period you are comfortable with.


When the seller finally receives your final payment... they ship the Pandora to you.
Sound fair?

I believe the concept describing this is called a 'lay-by'.

The bonus is that you will remain motivated to keep making the payments because No final payment, No Pandora.
It is called layaway over here. If that isn't acceptable and Gan would be interested in a Windows gaming handheld with two screens instead maybe PGS can help, sending the device a piece at a time as they get around to it (kinda like their "prototype"). Just be warned, the hardware may not match the specs they tell you, but you should be able to watch videos of games if that happens.

How can the seller be sure that YOU wouldn't be scamming THEM? You'd get a Pandora and they'd never receive anything.

Mods - probably best to lock this?

Anyone feeling inclined to be scammed can always PM the OP if they want.

I would first pay the shipping fee and a portion of the money meant for the full 300 euro. depending on what kind of paying arrangement we would agree upon.

I have a suggestion.

You pay the person in small amounts over how ever long a period you are comfortable with.


When the seller finally receives your final payment... they ship the Pandora to you.
Sound fair?

I believe the concept describing this is called a 'lay-by'.

The bonus is that you will remain motivated to keep making the payments because No final payment, No Pandora.

well to be honest I was being greedy. I wanted to use the device as soon as I can. but in any case, that suggestion sounds good. but I could only accept this if it's from a long time member, or a reputable one. I understand the need for being cautious. on my part, I thought even if it's a scam (I hope not >:( ) , then I would lose only a portion of the 300 euro. thanks!
It is called layaway over here. If that isn't acceptable and Gan would be interested in a Windows gaming handheld with two screens instead maybe PGS can help, sending the device a piece at a time as they get around to it (kinda like their "prototype"). Just be warned, the hardware may not match the specs they tell you, but you should be able to watch videos of games if that happens.

thanks for the suggestion. I've read about the pgs and gpd win before but decided on not purchasing them. (reasons unstated) same goes to the pyra, I thought of waiting for it, but in the end decided that I didn't need it. >:T
thanks for the suggestion. I've read about the pgs and gpd win before but decided on not purchasing them. (reasons unstated) same goes to the pyra, I thought of waiting for it, but in the end decided that I didn't need it. >:T
This was (probably) a bad joke by @rygD , pretty much everyone on this forum agrees that the PGS is a scam.

It's not easy to get a 1GHz Pandora for 300€ anyways, and with the added risk of you being a scammer, it's not as good of a deal as you may think. Even if you aren't a scammer, it just doesn't seem very trustworthy to other forum members when a new member that no one knows here asks if someone could send him or her a Pandora for a fraction of the normal price. Your promise to send them money on a monthly basis (or whatever) is not supported by a known and trustworthy name.

I don't think anyone here would agree to your terms. If you want a Pandora, save up some money and come back then or preorder a Pyra as the Pandora, especially the 1GHz model, is getting rare.

I wanted to use the device as soon as I can. but in any case, that suggestion sounds good. but I could only accept this if it's from a long time member, or a reputable one.
Can you spot the irony?
This was (probably) a bad joke by @rygD , pretty much everyone on this forum agrees that the PGS is a scam.

It's not easy to get a 1GHz Pandora for 300€ anyways, and with the added risk of you being a scammer, it's not as good of a deal as you may think. Even if you aren't a scammer, it just doesn't seem very trustworthy to other forum members when a new member that no one knows here asks if someone could send him or her a Pandora for a fraction of the normal price. Your promise to send them money on a monthly basis (or whatever) is not supported by a known and trustworthy name.

I don't think anyone here would agree to your terms. If you want a Pandora, save up some money and come back then or preorder a Pyra as the Pandora, especially the 1GHz model, is getting rare.

Can you spot the irony?

I guess, if the seller is somewhat reputable, I could gradually deposit up until half of the full (300 euro or whatever your price may be). after half of the money has been sent, then the seller should send the item to me. after the item is received, I would continue on gradually paying the other half of the full amount.
it could be done per week basis, per month, or at random intervals(this method means that money will be deposited more often but in smaller amounts i.e, day by day or once every 2 or 3 days).

*Added: the price is open for negotiation. if you think 300 euro is too little, you could try naming your own price. don't worry I won't bark. but as long as it's reasonable. The device must be fully functional and preferably retain at least a long enough battery life.
[doublepost=1469464612,1469463308][/doublepost]if anyone has a question, just post it here or send a pm, pardon me if I don't reply fast enough. we're probably timezones apart. and right now, I'm about to go to sleep.
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I guess, if the seller is somewhat reputable, I could gradually deposit up until half of the full (300 euro or whatever your price may be). after half of the money has been sent, then the seller should send the item to me. after the item is received, I would continue on gradually paying the other half of the full amount.

Well I can't help you here.
I only have an original CC Pandora that is still barely fully functional... but rather delicate (usb port is loose, battery cover only has one tab left)... I hardly use it, but had intended to keep it in the event I ever actually write software for the Pyra so I can test and support the Pandora at the same time. As the Pyra is on the way I'm actually glad I have a CC and not a rebirth or 1GHz.

But in any event... even if I was looking to sell... I certainly wouldn't be happy letting it go for only 150 euro, but thanks anyway.
Well I can't help you here.
I only have an original CC Pandora that is still barely fully functional... but rather delicate (usb port is loose, battery cover only has one tab left)... I hardly use it, but had intended to keep it in the event I ever actually write software for the Pyra so I can test and support the Pandora at the same time. As the Pyra is on the way I'm actually glad I have a CC and not a rebirth or 1GHz.

But in any event... even if I was looking to sell... I certainly wouldn't be happy letting it go for only 150 euro, but thanks anyway.

in any case, is there any particular reason you are glad having the cc edition over the rebirth or the 1ghz version? is it simply because of it's cheaper price point? and the soon to be released pyra makes the 1ghz version not needed? (in your case at least.)
alas, in the end if there's no seller, I might as well just wait for the pyra.. Hey, thanks for replying to my posts!
This was (probably) a bad joke by @rygD
Yeah. It is often a good idea to assume what I am saying is a bad joke.

I like my CC because those are the specs that made me want it. The only reason I would want a 1GHz one is Eldritch, so I play that on another computer, and will pay it on my Pyra once it gets ported. Pretty much everything else I want to do with it works fine on any model or sucks on all models.
[doublepost=1469468392,1469468333][/doublepost]Is there anything specific you want to do that requires the 1GHz?
Yep, CC is usually fine. Some of the latest ports from ptitSeb have issues though. But there is another reason to want a 1GHz - quality control for the CC Pandora's was pretty bad. Buying one 2nd hand is a risk. If Gan is serious (something I really doubt though...) and only has €150 to spare I would advise him to buy a CC with warranty from ED once he has some for sale again. ED sells them for €150
in any case, is there any particular reason you are glad having the cc edition over the rebirth or the 1ghz version? is it simply because of it's cheaper price point?

I've had that CC for a long time... in spite of the numerous issues that plagued the CC Pandoras, it's outlived both an HTC Sensation and Note 8.0 which were purchased after it. Fancy that.
And no... price has nothing to do with it. It is the base model and as such if I intend to support the Pandora then I would want to test my software on a CC to ensure compatibility. She will encourage me to optimize my code more so than the GHz would.

Besides... the CC is the original Wonder Device and I have a soft spot for her. It's quite amazing what she can do.
I have a suggestion.

You pay the person in small amounts over how ever long a period you are comfortable with.


When the seller finally receives your final payment... they ship the Pandora to you.
Sound fair?

I think that is the only way to go.

I have done similar for items I have sold in the past to work colleagues.

It's amazing how quick they get the rest of the money to pay the balance after they have made a few payments on not got anything to show for it.
after half of the money has been sent, then the seller should send the item to me. after the item is received, I would continue on gradually paying the other half of the full amount.

That's not gonna happen. They'll only send the item after you pay every penny. Otherwise, you're putting the seller at a disadvantage and they're risking losing the item in case you vanish.

If the seller shows you multiple pictures of their Pandora with their handwritten forum name and whatever you want them to draw, they've already proven accountability on their part. It then becomes you who needs to prove you're not scamming anyone. How do you accomplish this? By paying in full according to the agreed terms, whether that includes paying over time or all up front, BEFORE the seller sends the Pandora your way.

I don't think anyone here would sell the item from under you if a payment plan such as you described is agreed upon.
If i understand right...you don't have all the money to buy a Pandora now..but you have after some months of saving...so Instead of looking for a Pandora now...you should buy
months after months (when you have the money) a voucher https://www.dragonbox.de/en/46-gift-vouchers from ED shop until you reach the sum needed to buy a Pyra.

What you think about it?
Sorry Gan, we do not allow this sort of trading here as it comes off as suspicious even though you come off as genuinely wanting a Pandora.

Payment plans go boom all the time from experience.

P.S Thanks to the ONE person that reported this thread, the rest.. i'll deal with you later.
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