Would You Have Bought A Gp32

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If the PSP or DS were out at the same time you bought your GP32 and the prices were the same as they

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Totally different reasons for getting a GP32 compared to a DS or PSP.

I'll probably get myself a PSP, but will definitely not abandon my GP! Where else could I play suce a fantastic back-catalogue of games???

And where else could I find such a cool community? Not in Sony-fanboy land thats for sure.

The PSP is emerging technology and thus is definitely exciting in a totally different way to the GP32. You must admit - it looks sexy in more way than one, yes?

I'm not going to bother with the DS though - seems much less capable.
Axeman, i felt the opposite way about the PSP, i was all hell bent on buying a DS, that was until I saw the price tag on the PSP, now i'm not sure, right now money permits me from having both, so i'll have to chose one or the other, but right now its looking like PSP for me.
worldwriter posted on Oct 27 2004 at 04:13 PM said:
none of us have a crystal ball so it would be impossible to guess what a huge community would pop up around the little handheld from Korea...

[Looks in me underpants] Nop, No crystal balls there. :P

Yes i would have still brought my GP32, Even under thoughs circumstances.

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Well, I bought mine just before all the emus we know and love today started to appear (beginning either with GPEngine or LittleJohn, I forget which). But I'd still have gotten hold of it. As has been said, the GP32 is a one time investment. I think I've spent probably about £250 on it, maybe £260 tops (excluding having to buy an other one because either it got nicked or I left it in school and it disappeared... which was annoying). GP32 + SMCs + Bag + GPCinema. And other than that, nothing. And I've had a LOT of fun from it.

So yeah - especially since the reason I got mine was to replace my GBC flashcard/writer, which of course it does most excellently and surpasses to an unbelievable extent.

However, had the PSP and DS been around at release of the GP32, pre any emulators and homebrew, I doubt it. At least for a while. Not that I'd have picked up a PSP either - proprietory batteries suck, always have, and always will, and unless I'm much mistaken it uses those. More likely, I'd have picked up a GBA, and shortly afterwards a flashcart for it and joined that scene - especially since GBAs these days are a tad on the cheap side compared to NG consoles...
If I didn't already have one, in a couple of months when the DS and PSP are available, I would still get a GP32 before either of those. No question about it.
Is 185 the official price FOR PSP? I wouldve bought it, it completes everything I need to do. I will get PSP just because I want the games that the Gp32 does not offer.

finraziel posted on Oct 28 2004 at 09:56 AM said:
I just ordered my GP32 and am waiting for it to be delivered, so that's a yes.

Great!, Welcome to the fold. May your stay be enjoyable and fun.

You won`t regret it.

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People still get excited when they see mine( and my gp32 :) ) A girl at work has got all the deyails off me because her friend is going to korea in 2 weeks and she wants him to bring her one back.
What the machine has turned into and what it was originally created for are two completely different things. I don't think that gamepark in their wildest dreams would have had any idea of the impact the machine has had outside of it's native land.
People will be buying psp or ds for the commercial games, how many gp32 owners do you think would say that?
I bought my GP32 just a couple months back because of all the emulators available for it.

Will the DS/PSP have these? Probably never. Even the GBA homebrew scene isn't as viabrant as this. Which is why I bought a GP32 - the GBA didn't give me as much wide a selection.
I would still have bought one, i'm a retro head :) I don't think the DS will ever compete with the GP in terms of emulators. non-standard screen size+two slower processors. If an unlocked homebrew friendly PSP had appeared at the same time as the GP- I propably would have got that.