Would You Be Interested?


Certified Guru
Oct 26, 2003
Maine, USA
Would anyone be interested in an external battery pack if it could deliver huge capacities. It would fit in your pocket or clip onto your belt/pants.

The kind of power I am talking about is the ability to outlast Duracell Alkaline batteries by 14 times! And to Outlast even the best Rechargeable Ni-Mh AAs by 5 times!

Would you want such a device, and how much would you pay for it?
c0ncept posted on Apr 30 2004 at 09:17 PM said:
Depends, how big are we talking?

Original mobile phone size!?! Could it be adapted to somehow fit in the existing battery slot?
It wouldn't be adaptable to fit the battery compartment, but it would about 80x80x40 mm in size.
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hmmm 14x strength...

Yeah, I think I would be interested actually. How much would you charge for one of these (to entirely reverse the point of this thread!)?
I'd be very interested. Would they only work with GP32, or any battery powered thing? Could they be modded to work with, say, a GBA if you have the right attachment?
Type? (Li, Ni-Cd, Ni-Mh)
Connection to GP32?

It it's not a Ni-Cd (or any other type of battrey with lots of memory), doesn't cost too much, and connects through the DC IN cable, I migh want it :)
They would be less than 30GBP but wouldn't feature their own charger circuit. It would be up to the user to find a charger for them. Unless I can find a charger circuit I like the look ok. It would be bigger though and cost more if it featured this. (a regular battery charger can be used)

I could just make the case without the batteries if people want to use their own.

I'm really just thinking of those really long trips, say to the beach or whatever. A time when you really need the capacity to have the GP32 on all day.

It could support the original GBA if the polarity was reversed. Perhaps I would put a switch on the side for that purpose.
Could be a cool peripheral, but 2 AA's last quite awhile anyways.....
I'm guessing with it would be rechargable, but how long (a couple years, forever?) would it last?
Uhh, i made one already. I HAD a picture somethere in the gp32 forums. It was a huge pic, 1600x1200 i think. I stll have it, lasts SOOO long.
kill me2 posted on Apr 30 2004 at 10:00 PM said:
Uhh, i made one already. I HAD a picture somethere in the gp32 forums. It was a huge pic, 1600x1200 i think. I stll have it, lasts SOOO long.
Which batteries did you use in yours? I found some 11,000mah cells. They would literally power the GP32 for a couple of days and then some. It would be a great emergency reserve, and I thought I could make them so everyone else doesn't have to.

There are cheaper alternatives for the batteries, but they aren't that much cheaper. The 11,000mah ones are incredibally priced for the amount of power you would get from them.
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ACTUALLY...there is tons of space between the top of the gp32 and the battery pack...maybe you could fit extra batteries there...that would double the life...iirc, there is enuff room for 2 AAs there...

maybe you could make a shell that had 4 slots for batteries...i know how you could wire it up...so it wouldn't get TOO much voltage...

EDIT: i may be replacing the leds in my gp32 (for my diy flu) with a (power hoffing) flourescent bulb...it would be CRAPLOADS brighter... :D brighter than a normal flu...but it would probobly give something near 4-3 hrs on 2 AA batteries... :(
I am intrested but have no money for a month.
I would pay by paypal if I did get one.
I would buy it if you provieded a url link to a charger that would work as I don't understand these things.
I remember someone suggesting this an age and a half ago using rechargeable D batteries with a capacity of something like 19000mAh, and probably 2 of them. I'll get round to making myself one one of these days, since a couple of those batteries would last well into 40 hours. How sweet would that be lol?

However, for now, I've got about 8 AA NiMh rechargeables, so they do me for pretty much anything.

If I decide to take my GP on gap-year with me, though, I'll definitely put one of these together and buy maybe 8 Ds. I might not have an outlet nearby, but with that much power - would I really need it lol?

Though that kinda defeats the purpose of going into the middle of no-where to get away to a degree from technology...
Yeah, basically that is the idea, but i would be making a nice case for it that would match the design of the GP32. And would possibly feature a beltclip if people wanted.
Daz_Genetic posted on Apr 30 2004 at 04:39 PM said:
Yeah, basically that is the idea, but i would be making a nice case for it that would match the design of the GP32. And would possibly feature a beltclip if people wanted.
there is enuff space to add some AA batteries inside if the gp32...you could use the power adapter to charge em.... ;)
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