Worst story in a game

The game has gone downhill since 3 as well. Whenever a new one is released my friends and I always get together and have a soul calibur night. We always wind up playing 2 again because of the Team VS battle mode and it is the most polished of the whole series.
Sounds awfully familiar :)
"A tale of swords and souls eternally retold"
It sounded so cool the first time. There's some irony in there, now. :P

You can't beat the songs from the first game, by the way. :P

It's funny I own all of them, The custom character feature added in SC IV made me play that a bit, but I still play the original on the Dreamcast more.. It has a certain charm.
^ You've gotta get to the Edge of Soul, to carry on, what you believed in from the very start!~