Wii Oh My God Its Great !!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2003
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I been playing my wii tonigth and for some strange reason my mum my dad and my sister and her boyfriend have been playijg it all night :o:O:O

I must say this wii is rather good but for it to get my dad intersested and my dad and sister and her boyfriend then it must be doin somethin good !

Anyway i dont think i have any videos of the old people to post but i will make some of the wii and the virtual console and stuff just coz am bored :D
Did you get two? If so, please be nice and send it to me :D (I'm willing to pay full price and shipping) :)
well its the one i orderd from GAME that came the one from HMV hasnt come yet :( even tho it was supposedly posted on tuesday :blink:. But i think if it does come my sister and her boyfriend might be buying it from me even tho they dont really play games :lol:
CABBAGES posted on Dec 9 2006 at 07:34 AM said:
well its the one i orderd from GAME that came the one from HMV hasnt come yet :( even tho it was supposedly posted on tuesday :blink:. But i think if it does come my sister and her boyfriend might be buying it from me even tho they dont really play games :lol:
If it's a spare, drop it on ebay for a quick 100 bucks in profit :)
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I must admit I'm enjoying more than I thought I would. I was looking forward to the Wii but yeah I think it's great :D

I went to a friends last night and we played boxing and stuff... it was such a laugh!

They made me use the Chuck Norris Mii they made and I of course he won :P
Nintendo have got a nice little piece of the market there.
While all the other systems are concentrating on violent games & media, Nintendo are hooking in entire families with simple, fun, addictive gaming.

I never buy consoles (except handhelds), but even I could be talked into fronting the cash for one of these :)

Good for them :D

PokeParadox posted on Dec 9 2006 at 03:21 PM said:
They made me use the Chuck Norris Mii they made and I of course he won :P
Unfair advantage.. I call it cheating when I loose ;)
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thats how much it cost yes but i dont even have it yet and i think they might have been lying ot me about posting it :( i will give them till monday or tuesday then i will phone and cancel it probably.

Im gettin a bit pissed off coz i cant figure out how to fix the vc games !!! :angry:
daclassicgamingmaster posted on Dec 9 2006 at 12:57 PM said:
If it's a spare, drop it on ebay for a quick 100 bucks in profit :)

A quick 100?? More like a quick 200 - 300 £££ :) The Wii is £175 isnt it with no games?? most are selling on Ebay for £400 - £500 area :)
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My local PC World only got 4 Wii's on Friday, one of which is now on display. I've got mine pre-ordered but I'm still waiting for some information. I did expect as much, but it does seem a little dodgy that they sold even 3 consoles on Friday to people who just turned up on the day.