Wiz Nand Bad Block Utilities


That Guy!
Jul 19, 2003
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I've started to notice that the NAND in my Wiz is, well, slowly getting fuckered and has been causing all sorts of problems (boot hangs, corrupted data on nand, firmware corruption, etc.) and was hoping someone could help me out! I know it might be a hardware fault that requires more attention than this, but on the off chance there is some simple way to use software to avoid certain areas of nand so that I don't run into problems as frequently it would definitely help!

Any advice/feedback on this would be appreciated!!!
Yeah, I just reflashed the other day... still get mysterious hangs sometimes though. Might not even be NAND related, but I figured the other day when I tried to copy some utils (tv-out, wifi, etc.) to the NAND and it messed up hardcore (undeletable corrupt files) it might be a good indication nand was at fault...
Personally I keep my NAND clean (in case I need to reflash, or in case there is ever a new firmware released [lol]) and put everything on SD card(s).
The Wiz's NAND has always been very easy to corrupt, I found that out early on. Best to not even touch it like HunterZ said. I would keep a copy of the firmware on my card just in case it started locking up on the "now loading" screen.
Orion4874: Actually do have a copy of the firmware on my card for that specific reason :P I had never stored anything on it before, but decided with how it was acting I'd just throw a few small utilities on there so I didn't have to put gmu, tv-out and the usb serial/network//wifi stuff on EVERY SD card I use in my wiz :P
