Wishfull Thinking ;)

Lunatic said:
Sugar_Kane said:
There hasn't been a decent sonic game since sonic 2 if you ask me

I think that the mystery platform is PlaySEGA.

There have been some terrible Sonic games, but that doesn't mean there weren't any good ones. Some of them are kinda mixed, some a lot of people haven't even heard of, and some, mainly the two Adventure games, seem to have come in vogue to hate. Most of these are pretty good games, though. They're definitely worth trying if you haven't before.

Sonic Chaos
Sonic Triple Trouble
Sonic CD
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Spinball (YMMV)
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine (YMMV)
Sonic Blast
Knuckles' Chaotix
Sonic R (YMMV)
Sonic Adventure (YMMV)
Sonic Adventure 2 (YMMV)
Sonic Heroes (YMMV)
Sonic Advance
Sonic Advance 2
Sonic Advance 3
Sonic Rush
Sonic Rush Adventure

Edit: Friend just reminded me of Sonic Rush 1/2
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Rathum said:

I actually liked most Sonic games through 3d blast, but I still think that Sonic 2 was the peak. The pacing and level design were impeccable. I've only briefly tried Sonic Adventure on the gamecube port, but I just thought it felt clunky, like a lot of earlier 3d platformers.
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Rathum said:
Lunatic said:
Sugar_Kane said:
There hasn't been a decent sonic game since sonic 2 if you ask me

I think that the mystery platform is PlaySEGA.

There have been some terrible Sonic games, but that doesn't mean there weren't any good ones. Some of them are kinda mixed, some a lot of people haven't even heard of, and some, mainly the two Adventure games, seem to have come in vogue to hate. Most of these are pretty good games, though. They're definitely worth trying if you haven't before.

Sonic CD
Sonic 3
Sonic & Knuckles
Sonic Adventure (YMMV)

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Lunatic said:
Rathum said:

I actually liked most Sonic games through 3d blast, but I still think that Sonic 2 was the peak. The pacing and level design were impeccable. I've only briefly tried Sonic Adventure on the gamecube port, but I just thought it felt clunky, like a lot of earlier 3d platformers.

Sonic CD is my personal favorite. The level designs were pretty awesome and the boss fights rocked. Also: PINBALL STAGE!

Sonic Adventure is probably one of the best 3D platformers at the time if you can get past the camera issues. I just don't understand why people who loved it when it came out like to complain about it now.

This making me want to beat all of the Sonic games on that list in chronological order (except Mean Bean Machine; I suck at it).
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Sonic Blast was great, I play it from time to time on my Palm.

Also, isn't this in the wrong area?

looks like an iphone but why keep it a secret ?
Bosbeetle said:
looks like an iphone but why keep it a secret ?

I tried to press the play button like 10 times. Boy do I feel stupid.
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Bosbeetle said:
Lunatic said:
Bosbeetle said:
looks like an iphone but why keep it a secret ?

I tried to press the play button like 10 times. Boy do I feel stupid.

:lol: screenshots ftw

When I was in high school, a guy replaced the desktop of every computer in the computer lab with a screenshot of the desktop and deleted all the icons. Good times. I think he ended up having to clean the lab every day after school for a whole semester.
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Rathum said:
Bosbeetle said:
Lunatic said:
Bosbeetle said:
looks like an iphone but why keep it a secret ?

I tried to press the play button like 10 times. Boy do I feel stupid.

:lol: screenshots ftw

When I was in high school, a guy replaced the desktop of every computer in the computer lab with a screenshot of the desktop and deleted all the icons. Good times. I think he ended up having to clean the lab every day after school for a whole semester.

I did that too however i made a screenshot a couple of times and moved the icons around so you had 8 of each :p
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Bosbeetle said:

LOL, that's soooo fabulous. But the question is: can it do multi-liquid?

Btw: I love the sonic adventures, even like sonic unleashed (let my nephew play most of the werehog-levels, though). If sonic4 is somewhere near the 2d-parts of sonic unleashed, I'll be more then happy. The new trailer looks somewhat slow-paced to me, but that might be irritation. Wonder about multi-player.
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Zor Prime said:
Sugar_Kane said:
There hasn't been a decent sonic game since sonic 2 if you ask me

I agree.

Not a truer word said.

Unless you could Sonic 1 & Knuckles, of course!
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*sniff* I droped a tear by seeing the teaser. ^^""
Finaly It really could be a "classic" Sonic Game in the Quality of the old Megadrive Games. I hope, SEGA can manage it and put the old fun into the new game(s).
Ok ,I don't own a Wii or XBox or Playstation...but maybe this game can find it's way also to the PC. :)
im guessing this topic has already been ripped on.
but i dont think any commercial games will hit the pandora until it can be shown by first party or close third party developers that its a money making platform.
thats why i think sonic etc will downgrade to the likes of psp and dsi and skip everyone else.
to be fair good on them.
i hope pandora sturs up alot of contraversy and gets the open community merging with the commerical market as we've seen recently with indie games like braid.