Porting anki


Still Fresh
Oct 8, 2008
what kind of work does it take to port an open source debian/ubuntu program to the pandora format. Specifically, I am thinking of the flashcard program anki. http://ichi2.net/anki/download/index.html

I know nothing about linux myself, and assume that it would be beyond me, but I`m just curious.

Thanks for your time!
Anki is written in Python, which means copying the Anki folder to your sd card is all the 'porting' required :o

The main problem with Anki will be dependencies - Anki uses qt(4?) and the pyqt bindings as well as some other standard modules. Assuming we get Python on Pandora (highly likely) and it has all the standard Python modules (less likely, though things like Tkinter don't matter for this project) there would still be some work involved to get Qt and pyQt working.

Does anybody know about Qt4 on angstrom? IIRC KDE4 (with Qt4) was in development on the Nokia internet tablets, but I haven't been paying attention to them lately...