Wireless router owners - enable WEP key!


Playful/Fascist Mod
Apr 18, 2003
Maryland, USA
On Thanksgiving day I took my laptop with me to do a little coding. When I turned my computer, I was interested to see that I was connected to "linksys", yet my uncle doesn't have a wireless router!

So I'm writing this right now on someone else's internet connection. Based on the neighborhood, I doubt they'll notice me.

Funny, ne?

So...enable your WEP key unless you want people like me browsing around your network :)
A make of wireless (and wired) routers and hubs.
My WEP key is already on.
People who dont turn their WEP (Wired Equivalent Privicy) key on at at leat 128bit are asking for trouble. A wireless network without it is asically an open book - anyone hjeard of 'warchalking'? It's where people went around the major citries of the world and tapped into large firm's unsecured wireless networks and used their super-fast net connections for watever they wanted! Where they found an unsecured network, they chalked on teh pavement (sidewalk) outside the building for others to see. Some of these firms didn't know thay were being hijacked for months!

Enable your encryption wireless users!!!!!
wow Super Fast net connection for free hehe.... sit in your car and download some Simpsons episodes :P :D :P lol