Just released WipEout Rewrite for Pyra.
The game is a re-implementation of the well known wipEout released in 1995 for PSX and PC.
To play you need original datas as to avoid possible legal problems i have not included in the package.
Go to the Blog of the author of the rewrite and download (here https://phoboslab.org/log/2023/08/rewriting-wipeout ), once done extract it into appdata/wipeout_rewrite/wipeout directory. Note that the blog post announcing this project may or may not provide a link to a ZIP containing all files needed. Who knows!
The game is running on Pyra in fullscreen at around 150 fps.
Controls are adapted for my taste, but you can change it on the options menu.
If some company (or someone here) think for whatever reason, that this program need to be erased from the repository...please write here or contact me and i'll delete immediatly.
V1 initial release
V2 Updated the DBP with the recent source change that fixed missing pilot icon on menu and add HighScores view and add the option to change camera roll value.
V3 Updated DBP with latest source commit and fixed the runscript, that now (i hope) will not conflicting with other.
The game is a re-implementation of the well known wipEout released in 1995 for PSX and PC.

To play you need original datas as to avoid possible legal problems i have not included in the package.
Go to the Blog of the author of the rewrite and download (here https://phoboslab.org/log/2023/08/rewriting-wipeout ), once done extract it into appdata/wipeout_rewrite/wipeout directory. Note that the blog post announcing this project may or may not provide a link to a ZIP containing all files needed. Who knows!
The game is running on Pyra in fullscreen at around 150 fps.
Controls are adapted for my taste, but you can change it on the options menu.
If some company (or someone here) think for whatever reason, that this program need to be erased from the repository...please write here or contact me and i'll delete immediatly.
V1 initial release
V2 Updated the DBP with the recent source change that fixed missing pilot icon on menu and add HighScores view and add the option to change camera roll value.
V3 Updated DBP with latest source commit and fixed the runscript, that now (i hope) will not conflicting with other.
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