Serial Porter
Here is ccleste, a C remake of the classic pico8 Celeste.
Game sources are in the dbp. The Keymap is slightly change to make it more Pyra friendly.
F11 for Fullscreen On/Off, ESC to Quit
DPad to move and {X} Jump / {B} Dash.
Shift-S : Save State and Shift-D : Load State
History log

Game sources are in the dbp. The Keymap is slightly change to make it more Pyra friendly.
F11 for Fullscreen On/Off, ESC to Quit
DPad to move and {X} Jump / {B} Dash.
Shift-S : Save State and Shift-D : Load State
History log
- Fixed packaging
- Initial build
- keymap adapted to Pandora
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