Filesharing is NOT piracy, nor is it illegal, nor should it be...
Using a filesharing system to share copyrighted, commercial material is illegal in most circumstances, but this depends on licenses and stuff. For example, some bands (usually minor bands and independant bands) will distribute some of their stuff for free using the internet, and encourage people to share those files as much as they like, in order to get more people listening. Some, such as Anubis Spire, distribute all their music for free- but still sell albums, and they presumably make a little profit. The music is still copyrighted, it belongs to the originator, but it can be perfectly legal to share those files.
Bittorrent... Bittorent is great, when you can join an active torrent

I got consistent download speeds between 100 and 200 Kbps on the Linux distros I downloaded via bittorrent, and on other files too. Sure, it can be used to distribute pirated material, but then so could pretty much anything- a large coat for example. Shall we ban coats because someone might be hiding pirated goods under them?
Anyway, the impression I get about this "WinMX" software is that it was originally forced to shut down by the RIAA, presumably because many were using it to trade illegal files. I don't think the original poster (well, if the're even human- could be a spam bot or something I guess) means that everyone should be able to trade illegal files by P2P networks, rather that people should be able to freely use such networks without being treated like criminals- because so much of the traffic on P2P networks
is legal and acceptable. I think that's a very fair point.
I fail to see what it has to do with GP* but I think we all know that it's just an advertisment- these have probably popped up on dozens or hundreds of boards, posted in the first available sub-forum.