conso said:
Well, as far as I got it, wine doesn't even compile on arm, neither winelib. A discussion on their mailing-list said if that would be done, a second step could be to build a wrapper for qemu, to not emulate a computer, but only a x86-processor and one would have the probably highest efficient windows-emulator for arm currently feasible.
Still, that's very much speculative, since no one seems to really have that much interest in porting wine to arm.
That was talking about porting the regular build of Wine to be able to run X86 (Windows 9x, Win2k, XP, Vista) executables on an Arm system.
That wouldn't work, since overhead for emulating the x86 cpu would be too much.
What I'm talking about is adapting Wine to wrap the Windows CE / Windows Mobile APIs (which already run on Arm Processors) to allow Arm-built WinCE binaries to run on the Arm-based Pandora.
That is entirely feasible, and wouldn't require any CPU emulation, meaning Apps would run at full speed on the pandora (or even faster, since the Pandora's CPU outstrips that of most current Windows Mobile devices)
I did get what you were talking about, just wanted to add this info from the wine mailing list about regular wine on arm. I don't know how far they have got with winCE/WinMobile APIs, yet, but my impression is, it will still be a hole lot of work.
About qemu-performance: yes, it will produce a lot of overhead, still I'd bet it would offer a lot more possibilities, then a dosbox/win3.x-combo could offer. People are a lot interested in emulation in this community, so why not emulate windows? Using qemu for x86-emulation and wine for HLE of all the rest, is probably the most efficient bundle we can get. Still wine would need a oGL-ES-backend for 3d-stuff and I see no way we will get this in short range, but windows isn't only 3D-games

Damn, I'm a linux-only user for 5 years now and all this palm-, win- and winCE-emulation-stuff for applications doesn't bother me at all - linux has everything we can wish for and there are enough linux-embedded-projects going on to offer us perfectly integrated apps. Still there are some nice games from the win95/98-age, such a qemu-wine bundle could offer - some even with pandoras native resolution instead of the low resolutions, other emulators would give.