windups & pclink.gxb


Apr 24, 2003
manchester, uk
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Hi all,

i've just uprgade to MultiFW so i can boot straight to windups, but cant seem to find anywhere to grab pclink.gxb from (i assume so i can link to pc from within windups).

does anyone know where this is? ive done a google and a search of his site (found plenty of occurences but no urls)
Presumably that fxe works fine, my technique (I boot directly to windups) is to just hold down select to boot when I want to connect to my PC and just select the PC-Link option from the multi-fw. Totally your choice, this technique does save putting the fxe on your cards though!
yeh but this is easier for people booting straight into wind-ups who are lazy

like me...
Anyone know of a way to exit dark faders pclink without hard power? ie: Doing a lot of pc-link for develpoment is annoying when oyu have to power cycle to actually run the app :/

Shrike posted on May 18 2003 said:
yeh but this is easier for people booting straight into wind-ups who are lazy

like me...
I'm lazy too... for me its easier to just hit select and power on, hit down once and a button than to copy the file, setup an icon, and then move the pointer and hit a button.

That's why I love the GP32... options to fit the lazy style of all of us!
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