Windows Xp Wont Mount My Gpx2

Still Fresh
Jul 5, 2006
wel i cudnt think the exact title to put but anyways i plug all the wires in usb ect and i go into the gp2x setting and connect using the sdcard and nothing happens,i cant access the files from my laptop,although it did come up once that it cudnt recognise what the hell id just plugged in (maybe not in those exact words)

so how do i connect my gpx2 to the pc? i need drivers where are they? and i dont have any other device that reads sd card,dont tell me to get a card reader either

thankx :)
murphy245 posted on Jul 8 2006 at 07:02 AM said:
so how do i connect my gpx2 to the pc? i need drivers where are they? and i dont have any other device that reads sd card,dont tell me to get a card reader either

Go get a card reader. Sorry, YOU HAVE TO.

Here's one for $3 shipped anywhere. So you can't say you can't afford one.
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i shouldnt have to buy one,the gpx2 should.why else would it have a usb cable with it.whats the point in buying something that doesnt do what it says on the tin?
murphy245 posted on Jul 8 2006 at 12:23 PM said:
i shouldnt have to buy one,the gpx2 should.why else would it have a usb cable with it.whats the point in buying something that doesnt do what it says on the tin?
Well ask your gp2x very kindly if it will buy a SD reader for you.
It generally does work for most people.
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murphy245 posted on Jul 8 2006 at 12:23 PM said:
i shouldnt have to buy one,the gpx2 should.why else would it have a usb cable with it.whats the point in buying something that doesnt do what it says on the tin?
you are correct,

but go buy a card reader not only are they faster they will save you battery power.
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murphy245 posted on Jul 8 2006 at 05:23 AM said:
i shouldnt have to buy one,the gpx2 should.why else would it have a usb cable with it.whats the point in buying something that doesnt do what it says on the tin?

Most SD cards can be read by the GP2X when connected to the usb port on your computer, the method you described works for me. But not all cards are created equally this doesn't mean the quality isn't good it just means your card isn't able to be read on your computer with it plugged in the gp2x. Card readers are cheap I got a nice one for like 16 bucks canadian off ebay(including shipping). I'm sure you can find a cheaper one.

next time you buy a card for your gp2x and want it to work without a card reader check out this page But moz is right its way nicer and easier to have one anyway.
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unbelievable,first they didnt send me my sd card,they gave me a case instead of a tv out cable and now it doesnt actualy connect to the pc,when do i actualy get to play some games?
murphy245 posted on Jul 8 2006 at 12:55 PM said:
unbelievable,first they didnt send me my sd card,they gave me a case instead of a tv out cable and now it doesnt actualy connect to the pc,when do i actualy get to play some games?
Don't complain at us.
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It's software related, probably..

1) Get Linux
2) Get a cardreader
3) Fallback to Windows 2000..

It's funny that the thing doesn't want to mount on my WinXP, but it does on my Windows 2000 installation.. ;)
The connection is slow, yes, but I don't really care about that, since mostly I just need to modify some files or put a rom in there..

If you don't want to bother installing Linux on your machine, you might get Knoppix (which is able to be ran from a CD) or something like that..

Still, getting a cardreader is probably the fastest and easiest method here.... :P
You don't have to buy a card reader. My computer's built in card reader stopped reading one of my cards and I've been using the networking ability of the GP2X.

Set up the samba server, enable networking, connect the cable, give the computer and the gp2x IP addresses in the same subnet and browse to your GP2X.

I'm sure you can find a tutorial somewhere on the board.
Ah! Try this: this WORKED for me on my WinXP just now!

Instead of mounting SD, mount NAND. WinXP will recognize your GP2x, install drivers, and mount it. Verify that you can browse the NAND of the GP2x. If not, stop now.
Unmount it safely by first unmounting it through WinXP, then hitting X (I accidently UNSAFELY unmounted it by hitting X instead of doing it the windoze way, that WORKED for me but I don't recommend it)..
Then mount the GP2X SD card. And voila! It's being recognized properly by WinXP! :)

Please try this out (the safe mode). If this works, I'll add this method to the GP2x wiki.
My Gp2X did not connect until I upgraded the firmware (Don't try this now Murphy) , anyway , even now I still use a card reader which was really cheap and waaaaaay faster that the USB cable.
murphy245 im on windows xp and my gp2x connects fine so either u need to windows update or to become a little more brainy with computers,. USB PnP is a piece of p... erm cake!

on another note why not try and do USB networking if u don't want to fork out for a reader and just use the built in samba server (windows shares).????
michaeljustman posted on Jul 8 2006 at 02:21 PM said:
You don't have to buy a card reader. My computer's built in card reader stopped reading one of my cards and I've been using the networking ability of the GP2X.

Set up the samba server, enable networking, connect the cable, give the computer and the gp2x IP addresses in the same subnet and browse to your GP2X.

I'm sure you can find a tutorial somewhere on the board.
the speed and reliabilty of samba on gp2x sucks.
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Try changing the USB cable. I had the same problem, changed to use the cable that came with my MP3 player, and suddenly I had a mounted GP2X. There must be a problem with the quality of the supplied cable.
Hope this helps
For what it's worth I was having the same problem so I uninstalled the unknown device from win xp and tried again with a different cable which sorted the problem. This can be beaten so have another crack m8. :)