Windows Xp Won't See Gp2x


Still Fresh
Mar 10, 2006
Hello all.

Being terribly new to the whole GP2X thing (it arrived today) I set about trying to connect my new console to my PC so that I can start to test it out a bit to see what it could do. Sadly trouble started with the supplied CD I got with the machine that had no label on it and was unreadable. 'Nice start' I thought to myself and shrugged saddened that what was on the CD may get me out of the problem I'm in but I'll never know as I can't read it.

Anyway the first thing I did was to download the firmware update and then attempt to upload it onto the machine. Sadly Windows could only apparently partially detect the console as it wouldn't mount it as a drive. The prevented me from accessing it stopping me from uploading the firmware update to it.

After many failed attempts at getting my PC to talk directly to the console I resolved to use the card reader I have for my digital camera. I managed to then see the 1 Gb SD card I got with the GP2X and format it to FAT32. I then copied the relevant files onto the card and placed the card into the console.

After rebooting the firmware update started and I ran the utility that patched the OS on the device. Once I did that I was happy in the knowledge that I had patched the machine to current set up and assumed that it would now talk to my PC. How wrong I was!

Windows XP now tells me that there is an error when ever I connect my GP2X to it and refuses to connect to it at all! I just want to know do I have to use my card reader to put programs on it as the connectivity between the console and my PC is just not happening!

Oh and yes so far I have yet to play or do anything on the blasted thing apart from try and connect it to my PC :angry:

Needless to say I'm not impressed with this device so far and the Korenglish manual didn't help either :angry: :angry: :angry:
Hello there friend,

Sorry for the quick reply , as I am just about to go to work. :-)
I had the same problem with my Gp2x , and it still does not connect with my PC , and wanna know something? You don't really need to do it.

Before Gp2x , I was (still am) a GP32 very proud user , and the PC Link really sucked bad in speed transfers , so I bought a very cheap card reader that works like a charm.

Once you set up your SD card and play GP2x MAME , DRmdX , and many others , I AM SURE YOU WILL BE IMPRESSED , as we all do :-)

I would also recommend to read a lot about firmware upgrading before trying to do it again , you could brick your Gp2x real easy if you do any mistake. I am still scared to do any firmware update at all :-)
hehe, many people have that problem. Perhaps searching the forums before posting will ease your mind a bit :P

Rombic is right, get a card reader and your good to go. Id say just about everyone on here uses a reader. They truly work miracles.

Good Luck :)
Well thanks for your replies but if you read closely in my post I do state that I do have a card reader and I did successfully get to update the firmware on my GP2X quite easily. I shall now start placing emulators onto it and see how the thing runs playing Jetpack as a good start I think :D
Hey, the NES game is nowhere near as famous as the Speccy original. In fact, most people in England would be unaware of the nes game, I reckon!

The first Jetpac was amazing, single screen magic. Then the sequel, with the mysterious trailer...

Happy speccy days...
It *is* possible to get the 2x to be recognised by Windows, but it's tough, temperamental, and for me at least, caused at least 3 BSODs (although no actual damage to Windows after a restart) - namely to use USB monitor.

But trust us all, it's much much more painless to use a card-reader, if you've got one - which you have :)
Thanks all for the responses. I have started using my card reader and it works fine. I have also managed to get Jetpac running on it as well as Uridium for the C64. It's quite amazing to be able to play these old classics on a hand held! :D