Windows Usb Driver


Certified Guru
Nov 16, 2003
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Anyone remember where the updated gp32 usb driver was located - the one that worked nicely under xp, and let you run stuff like pclink through it?

Reason I'm asking is that I've got the usb chip (NetChip 2272) to actually talk to me :) So hopefully will be porting my GpDrive to the 2X, along with a standard bulk driver for debugging and uploading exe's to the 2x.

Actually, what would you prefer - a standard bulk driver like on the gp32, or should I try and create a serial port? I'm thinking the later will be easier to handle, as any program that can open a serial port should work with it.

This is for HH-mode btw, so you can upload exe's easily to try them out and produce debug data without being restricted to the serial board and it's slow speeds.
Well, serial port would be easier to talk to on the PC-side, so I'll do Mass storage + serial port first. I'm not sure if Linux or MacOS has a standard serial driver, but if not, someone will have to write one :)