Windows Compiling And Developing


Still Fresh
Jan 5, 2006
Is it possible to compile a .gpe file under Windows?
I`m pretty new to C and, although I understand the basics, I`m baffled when it comes to compiling the code! :(
Could someone give a simple step-by-step guide on compiling a piece of code through to a .gpe file via Windows?

The sort of info that would help quite a few of us would be;

1) Download link for the libraries and where to copy them on your harddrive.
2) Download link for the C compiler and where to install it on your harddrive.
3) Link to a simple GP2x sourcecode file.
4) Quick description or link to a file on how to compile source to a .GPE file.

Thanks. :)
I`ve successfully got the demo to compile and here are the steps I took from beginning to end.

1. Download DevKitGP2x zip file
2. Download MinSys
1. Extract the contents of to the root of your C:/ drive.
3. Run and install the MSYS-1.0.10.exe file.
4. run C:\msys\1.0\msys.bat
5. Within MINGW32 type CD c:/devkitGP2X/demo/ to set the directory to point at the demo.
6. Now, within MINGW32, type MAKE to launch the makefile in this directory.
7. The compiled .gpe file can be found in c:/devkitGP2X/demo/

Hope this helps :)
It's exactly the same as your guide, oops! :blink:
It's definitely the clearest guide to setting things up. :)
I think what's needed is an install shell for the devkit which alters the relevant files based on the directory you install the devkit to.

A few links, provided by the installer, to good free IDEs would also be cool.