GP32 Windows Batch File


Oct 3, 2004
New Zealand
Hi all,

How do I write a windows batch file that can open a folder, resize it, and position it on my screen? The reason being that every time I start working on a project, I have to open, resize and position the following folders, which I use a lot:

1) Main project folder
2) Mr.Mirko lib.src folder (A lot of my code is now in the SDK)
3) Mr.Mirko lib folder (For building the lib after updating source)
4) geepee32 smc folder (for updating virtual smc ontents)
5) geepee32 root folder (for running the emulator)

And it is a big job. A batch file would be nice :)
Wouldn't it be easier to have your project makefile conditionally rebuild the appropriate code, make your new SMC file and start geepee32?

This is what I always did and it made testing a lot more convenient.
Well, yes, but its not always the fastest or easiest, unless I want to recompile the SDK every time I recompile my project.

You see, as I build my project, I sometimes come accross bugs in [my added] SDK functions, or I add features to them, in which case I recompile that specific part of the SDK, rebuild it, and then compile my project, but I don't do this with every compile...
I agree with Dalto, it would be a lot more convenient, faster and easier and you wouldn’t need to recompile all the SDK if the makefile is prepared correctly.
When I modify one of my SDK files, only this file is recompiled. It’s completely transparent to me.

For the point 5, you could associate GP32 files with the emulator. That way you can execute directly the program directly from the explorer.

For GXB and FXE:
"C:\Archivos de programa\Geepee32\geepee32.exe" /BIN "%1" /RUN

For SMC:
"C:\Archivos de programa\Geepee32\geepee32.exe" /SMC "%1" /RUN

If you don't want the program to run automatically, remove the /RUN parameter.

Imho, I wouldn't mix my code with any SDK. Your way to put your code in Mr.Mirko SDK can last with some problems. I do prefer to have my own folder for general purpose routines, like my Include folder. That way, I can track all my code very easily.
If another version of Mr.Mirko SDK is released, you will have to be careful when you move your own files.
Well, that was just my thought :)

If you released your own version of Mirko's SDK, then Mirko would come down on you like a ton of bricks :o :(

Best thing to do would be to release your routines that you have added to the SDK. Much easier.

Buy yes, you should create your makefile so it only rebuilds the SDK if required - that way, if you do need to change a file in it, you don't have the worry about rebuilding it before you can continue with your project - it's all done for you automagically :) You could even ask it to update/create a library.

You could even have a rule in there that if any of the data files have changed, then recreate the SMC file before launching the emulator.

What I normally do myself though, is have PC Link as part of my makefile, so when it compiles succesfully, it uploads any changed files to the gp32, then uploads the gxb to the gp32 and auto-runs it - I find it much better than using the emulator. The only thing I need to do is power cycle the gp32 or quit the app before rebuilding, which is not usually a problem.

pea posted on May 3 2005 at 09:52 AM said:
hehe, yes, but what if I was to release my own version of the SDK.. now there's a thought :)
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