Windows 98se


May 12, 2004
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I was just wondering dose anyone still use Win98se online ? and on a new pc ?
has microsoft stopped supporting it ?

Someone said that they would not trust 9x series online anymore especialy because it dosnt have any user accounts / passwords but I would have though it would be better because its Immune to all those NT specific worms that have come out recently

Windows 2k /xp are supposed to have better networking than 98 but there seems to be plently of exploits coming out for 2000 and xp is that because the networking is not realy better or would it be just because more people are using XP ???

I was asking because Im thinking of putting 98se back on because I get plently of problems with my current setup such as randomly my connection to my router will just drop and not accept a connection untill I restart Windows and lockups every now and again
I was just wondering dose anyone still use Win98se online ? and on a new pc ?
has microsoft stopped supporting it ?

Yes, Microsoft officially stopped supporting it in January of last year.

Someone said that they would not trust 9x series online anymore especialy because it dosnt have any user accounts / passwords but I would have though it would be better because its Immune to all those NT specific worms that have come out recently

Yet it's not immune to the 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 viruses, spyware, etc. that still exist for Windows 98. In fact, many viruses were "upgraded" for NT systems, so that means they would still work on 98.

Windows 2k /xp are supposed to have better networking than 98 but there seems to be plently of exploits coming out for 2000 and xp is that because the networking is not realy better or would it be just because more people are using XP ???

Why would malicious hackers target Windows 98 computers, when the majority now use NT systems?

I was asking because Im thinking of putting 98se back on because I get plently of problems with my current setup such as randomly my connection to my router will just drop and not accept a connection untill I restart Windows and lockups every now and again

Shortly put, Windows 98 networking sucks more then XP, which still sucks, but to a lesser degree. I have not seen any operating system that handles all network connections flawlessly, and this is mostly due to stupid hardware and not stupid software. XP is able to handle these bunglings easier, and Linux is even more robust. In fact, if you want to go all the way back to Windows 98, you're probably better off going to Linux and using WINEX (which can run a heck of a lot W98 programs), especially if you want to avoid viruses / exploits!
Thanks for the reply generalnmx

I had Linux on my old setup and it was running verry nice but I found my self booting windows because I needed to do something then staying there and after I upgraded my hardware I had not been unable to get it running properly with all the drivers so I ended up not using it

I have considerd using Linux again but I can see some big disadvantages of runnning it and not being a Linux Guru

main one is upgrades if I want to upgrade windows I goto Microsoft simple, but Linux is verry modular so to find out if my machine is at risk Im going to have to checkout alot of pages regularly to make sure my system is not at risk
I use 98SE on my old laptop :)

But my other computer is 80% linux. I use it for my main OS, but when I want to use flash (once every one or two weeks), I boot into windozer for a while. Hope that Macromedia releases a linux version soon, so I can be 100% linux.
Win 98 is nasty. XP is not angelic, but it's waaaaay better than win98. Netowking, there's absolutely no comparison. 98 is just not designed with networking in mind - it's almost like it's an afterthought.

XP is, after all, based on the win2k kernel, so is much more stable, has infinitely better networking support, and has a much better filesystem.

No reason at all to stay on 98 unless you have a machine that cant handle XP.
Axeman posted on Sep 5 2004 at 08:11 AM said:
No reason at all to stay on 98 unless you have a machine that cant handle XP.

Will a P3 450mhz with 192mb SD Ram Handle Windows XP ??
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I used 98SE for many years, only upgraded in march to XP. i find it can be much quicker depending on your software configuiration, but xp is more user friendly and intuative. it is more stable, but still a pain in the ass. MacOS is far and away the best OS I have ever used.
Dr_Slump posted on Sep 5 2004 at 05:48 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Sep 5 2004 at 04:37 PM said:
Axeman posted on Sep 5 2004 at 08:11 AM said:
No reason at all to stay on 98 unless you have a machine that cant handle XP.
Will a P3 450mhz with 192mb SD Ram Handle Windows XP ??
Use Win2k instead.

Try both ;)
I have WinXP working way faster than Win2k on most of my PCs, but some people have a different experience. I have no idea, why, I guess it depends on the hardware (WinXP gets a speed boost when upgrading memory - and I have no computer with less than 512MB, so this could be the reason why it runs faster for me).
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EvilDragon posted on Sep 5 2004 at 07:08 PM said:
Dr_Slump posted on Sep 5 2004 at 05:48 PM said:
Steve-O posted on Sep 5 2004 at 04:37 PM said:
Axeman posted on Sep 5 2004 at 08:11 AM said:
No reason at all to stay on 98 unless you have a machine that cant handle XP.
Will a P3 450mhz with 192mb SD Ram Handle Windows XP ??
Use Win2k instead.

Try both ;)
I have WinXP working way faster than Win2k on most of my PCs, but some people have a different experience. I have no idea, why, I guess it depends on the hardware (WinXP gets a speed boost when upgrading memory - and I have no computer with less than 512MB, so this could be the reason why it runs faster for me).

Because XP has an Prefetching option. This can easily be added to Windows 2000 using Hare. I'm using it now and i think it speedups my computer but that could also be the placebo effect ;)

Be sure though to remove IE when you are running 2000 on a computer that slow. It will speed it up a lot and improve security and stability a lot! (also a lot of other things this can speed it up A LOT!)
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Personally I perfer Win 98 to XP. I hate the XP interface (Thank god for classic style), The NTFS file system is terrible for dual boot systems (if I could reformat my hard drive I'd make it 32 MB ext 2, 512 MB linux swap, 75 % FAT32 and 25% ext3), and I haven't found any improvement other then stabality to speak of (and that maybe because my old win 98 machine had no antivirus and IE). I am personally glad that my school is still using win 98, and would love to see an upgrade to the win9x line.
We use 98 because it seems much faster and uses less RAM, we use opera web browser + email.

I see no reason to upgrade at all.

Well, depends.
I need
- support for the newest hardware for 3D and compositing
- network under Win98 is terrible (just a luck if it works!)
- support for 4Gig+ files (which is the limit using Fat32)
- more security, so that not every idiot can access computer (on Win98 you can just press ESC at the login screnn or enter a new login name with password to access the computer... geeez!)
- more stability (if an application crashes under Win98, the whole computer crashes with 99% probability, in WinXP mostly only the application will be closed)
- support for more RAM (Win98 doesn't support anything over 128MB, I have 1 Gig in most of my PCs)
- Dual Processor support

A lot of reasons for not using Win98 anymore, right?

But rest assured, on any PC <=300MHz I still recommend Win98 :)