Wind And Water Puzzle Battles...


Island Man with Pandora in my pocket
Feb 15, 2003
Since the release of this game, Wind and Water Puzzles Battles from Yuan Works has consumed the majority of any free time I have in my busy schedule. More interesting than this is being only about 6 hours in game, I still have numerous hours left and countless stages until completion. To warrant a full review of this game (or any game) means full completion is neccessary to write about every aspect of the game. For example, one shouldn't write a movie review based on the first 25 minutes. So I respectfully declined to write a full review so others more experienced may write their views.

The first word that comes to mind about this game is Addictive, no wait, Insanely addictive. In fact, this game is what every true gamer has come to love about this past time. Forget Bioshock for the 360, Metroid Prime 3 Corruption for the Wii, the new Killzone for ps3 and even the Brain Age Series for the DS. None of these games have the class, and the heart that this game has. Of course comparing Wind and Water Power Battles (WWPB) to other much larger and main stream games is a little misleading, The comparison is necessary when it includes a virtue such as the passion of a development team like Yuan Works. There passion for game developing shines thru on WWPB more than anything I've seen. From project development to finalized product, this game has the polish and beauty of a game which seems to have taken a decade to see thru to its fullest potential.

Strategy, technique, and quickness of mind and hands; these are all the things you need to successfully master this puzzle fest. When I play this game i think of Chess and Tetris combined with an old school RPGish element that exponentially builds upon the content and adds to the fun. Although a very simple and easy puzzle concept to catch on to, Mastering it is another task which is full filling, very tough at times, and always has you coming back for more.
The idea of the game is to combine the many colored element blocks into like elements as a diamond shape and once combined they are removed from the board. On top of this catchy puzzle design, you'll find ways to combine complementary elements that has devastating effects on the amount of points you earn and the amount of time it takes you to complete a stage or mission. While I could break down nearly every aspect of the gameplay and write a book about technique and game style, what I mentioned about is the simplest way of putting it. What I can tell you also is the game has many modes of play. The main Content of the game is the Story mode where you become Amy a girl who is cute and warm and destined to be a WWPB Master and help her friends throughout the story. You must fight your way thru stage upon stage winning various puzzled missions along the way, plus mini games that is spread out through your journey.
The other modes include Arcade mode, which have practice, endless battle, and time attack and Vs.PLay sections. All of these are great to hone your skills and demolish the Intuitive and Inteligent AI or a friend playing all on the same handheld (a very cool option). The last but not least mode in the puzzle section, where you take control of your character and have a given number of movements to clear the stage and move on.
Overall, the gameplay is very well paced. The inclusion of mini games, and practice modes and extensive tutorials all help you progress along thru the game without boredom or the sense of giving up. In fact, the pacing and modes of the game encourage you to keep playing, keep bettering your score and win all.
Did I mention you can buy stuff in the Shop in story mode and earn cool stuff in the extras section? Did I mention about how you can upload your personal stats and compare yourself with other gamers on WWPB website?No?
Well, I'll tell you more in part 2 of this quickie review/ hands on impression.
All you need to know for now is I give game play a perfect 10.
Tomorrow more on Game Play, Presentation, Sound, and of course graphics.

While my knowledge of gameplay and technique is ever growing through the duration of play of WWPB, I must confess the gameplay is truely a 10. So with that in mind lets move to the first subject that grabbed my attention, the presentation.


Through the opening credits I knew I had come upon something special. Usually when I play a game, any game ... I skip the intro, skip the credits. If its a puzzle game or any other (with some exceptions to RPG's) I'll simply click the start button and get down to business. This time around for whatever reason I felt compelled to watch the intro and credits roll on thru. "It all starts with a Pixel, then becomes a dream come true." A powerful statement that tells the gamer, this development team has an ideal, a motive for doing what they do, and its good. Now even without playing the game its interesting to see this opening feature. We as gamers see opening features of a development team all the time. Usually it shows us how GRAND and Superior they are to other development teams.They always show us how great they are...until we play the game. Not Yuan Works, that simple effective statement is humbling and calm... it motivates your inner curiosity to see exactly what your getting into. It makes you feel like you are really apart of something.

Of course I won't ruin the whole intro for those who haven't played or seen it, but chances are you've already done your research and seen the many videos out there on the web.
Once the Main menu loads up, its a scroll fest of options placed before you , intuitive menu selecting and colorful main screen it all fits very nicely into the actual gameplay and the overall theme of the game.
Transitions are well done from Game to Menu and back and the smooth frame rate leaves you with (I am saying it again) a polished menu system and setup.

If I had to complain about anything I would say I would have liked a longer animated intro, BUT I am not one to quibble or complain at all. I love Anime and Manga. Very Nicely done every aspect of the presentation... 9.8.

What can I say about the graphics. First off its a puzzle game, not Gears of War. Its a GP2x handheld its playing on, not a PSP (thankfully). So should I be complaining about Am I complaining about the graphics in this game.... HECK NO. If I am correct every font, graphic, sprite was created from a single dot (pixel). It is without a doubt a strictly old school way of creating a game. It is a way of creating a game that many of the gper's in this community are fond of (as am I) and use regularly. But of course anyone can create a sprite. NOT everyone can create a sprite and animations that are so well done, that they literally take on a life of there own. These Sprites and animations and fonts and menu's and visual game mechanics is one BIG piece of art. The artistic design is such that, I wanted to take a picture with my digital camera and create a wallpaper on my pc. These days creating games can be done with a wink and a nod of a high powered computer, some knowledge of coding and a 3D graphics engine. These guys built a game around a bunch of dots that make up a static or moving picture... Am I the only one that finds that a little time consuming?
Forget my astonishment, I know independent and main stream developers create sprites and dot mosaics and backdrops, etc all the time. Again I have to say its time consuming, sometimes fun and (if your good) and enjoy it, it could be gratifying.
I have nothing more to say about the graphics of WWPB, its simply incredible. Its simple effective graphics that not only gets the job done, but adds so much to the feel and nature of the game that (for me) just turning on the game and visiting every level,stage, mission I've all ready done countless times over... I tire of seeing it over and over. I've even been known to focus how on the surroundings in game than the game at hand. I just ask myself, how did they do that? Even though I've created sprites myself numerous times before. I guess Yuan Works Graphic Design and implementation paid off, big time I give this graphical art piece a... 10.

I'll be brief.
But first a question...
Will Yuan Works release a CD version or downloadable album of their soundtrack in WWPB?
I would gladly pay... its that good.

The Music and Sound matches the game play, style, theme and feel completely and without intrusion. With that said, I would like to remind everyone reading this that if they grew up with a Atari 2600 or InTelvision, they understand me when I say that SOME of these beeps and clicks and wierd catchy midi music was lacking in a fun catchy tune. Sure you can say "but I loved that music and all that old school stuff." Lets face it so do I. But I know when I played Burgertime or some other game, sure I was humming the song in my sleep (BUT I didn't want to.)

Now I play WWPB and I wake up seeing Elements, and Time Chain Combos and Full Combos and colorful blocks bouncing around in my brain; plus catchy tunes that reverberates in my inner ear. This time though, its a catchy tune I love, and welcomed every morning I woke up since I fired up the good old Gp2x.
I can't say enough especially about the sound and music... it creates the atmoshpere, and builds on the already other strong elements of the game. Without the sound the game lives on and plays just fine. But why would you play the game without the sound on anyway? Its like eating an Oreo without milk.
Sound and Music.... 10 (Although I did want to hear a lot more) Expecting a Tribute to WWPB album compliation by some crazed fan very soon. :-)

OVERALL: I fully intended to jump BACK into gameplay again and talk more about it... but the truth is I would rather leave that to others who've racked up 40+ hours to discuss it.
Now I am supposed to write something encapsulating and backing up every great score I've given this game so far. While I am good with words, I find myself speechless and humbled. This game has a profound effect on my game playing so far. Can you believe i've played this game more than my Metroid 3 on the Wii. I've played this WWPB more than BioShock? It's been days since I've touched either game; all because of WWPB.
I've alienated my Wife, my dog, and some people at work. I've told everyone I know about this game to the point they want me to shut up. I told them "OK, then buy the game. Buy the Gp2x for no other reason than to play this game." Overall 9.9 (Because anything better would have to be heaven. And this game is as close to Nirvana as I will ever be.) Thank you Yuan Works... I look forward to your next venture.
All things written above are what I feel before, during, and after playing W&W.
Great review for a great game.
TJFBryant said:
From project development to finalized product, this game has the polish and beauty of a game which seems to have taken a decade to see thru to its fullest potential.
Are you being ironic saying it seems to have taken a decade?

Cos this game did take bastard ages to see the light of day.

I thought it was going to be renamed Wind and Water Nukem Forever.

Still you all seem happy with your personalised avatars round here and I'm glad to hear it was worth the wait.
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So far I share your excitement towards this game, and I'm only about 1 hour into the demo. Even so, I'm really considering buying the full version, and if I do, it'll certainly be the one where I get to have a sprite of myself. However, I'd like to ask if it's just me doesn't really "get" the mechanics of this game quite so well. You see, I'm already in the tenth stage or so, and so far haven't managed to complete A SINGLE ONE above rank C >_< In the beginning was it like this for you guys too, or is it just me who's really stupid?
rooster said:
TJFBryant said:
From project development to finalized product, this game has the polish and beauty of a game which seems to have taken a decade to see thru to its fullest potential.
Are you being ironic saying it seems to have taken a decade?

Cos this game did take bastard ages to see the light of day.

I thought it was going to be renamed Wind and Water Nukem Forever.

Still you all seem happy with your personalised avatars round here and I'm glad to hear it was worth the wait.

It took about 13 months to complete the whole game. W&W features more than 30 hours of story mode playing alone, and it was developed mostly by us two (Yuan and me). Most commercial games take a lot more than that :P, and I think W&W is up to the caliber of many commercial games which have bigger teams and take longer to develop.
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comparing the time it took for this and duke nukem forever is insane. for one there was something playable very early on. also it really didnt take very long and we were fairly informed of updates. looking at the finished product im surprised it didnt take longer.