It all depends on what software materialises.
From the software I've seen demoed I think it'll be mostly games. I don't think SAP or any other tracking software will ever be ported so that puts most of my work stuff out of the window.
For presentations laptop and hard copies are king. And all my customers/suppliers have someware to plug in (power), if I were to need to. But truthfully I try to make my presentations short and sweet, otherwise people just switch off.
I suppose it might be useful to see emails on 5" screen. Although I do try to avoid opening attachments on my phone (they can usually wait until I get back to the office).
A text editor would be cool. I have one on my phone and seldom use it; one would need the thumbs of a child to use the QWERTY pad on a Nokia. So what does that mean a Pandora with an usb keyboard? I am on the road quite a bit but my battery usually lasts longer than my concentration. And truthfully on the road most work is done while in a hotel room (and no I'm not a rent boy or jigalow)
I think truly I don't see it doing a hell of a lot more than my GP2X (games, videos and music) although it will do those things a million times better.
I do see the point that laptops with shite batteries are no better than desktops, but I do most my surfing on the sofa with my laptop in my lap, and I couldn't do that with a desktop. Maybe that’s a way surfing has evolved in lifestyle. and maybe with powerful handhelds not running Microshite, will evolve lifestyle even further, but I can't really see where other than at work and at home where I will surf, maybe I could stream video while cutting the lawn or having a plop, but I think that kind of evolution needs a head mounted, not hand held.
I think for worky tasks desktop and phone will still dominate.
Pandora will fall into 'me' time. Unless you produce music, edit graphics. There’s not enough characters to write code.(not that I write code for a living, I ment for people that do. (although I can, I did two programing modeles in my degree and that was a long time ago, and I wrote code on both my CPC6128 and Amiga as a child.)
The idea of netbooks is cooler than actual uses. As cheep computers to keep kids happy they're fine. As a cool gadget to show of to you mates they're fine, they're not really poketable, and the battery life is not that useful. Maybe the Pandora will be what netbooks should have been.
We’ll see.
What would be mega cool would be a phone that folds out in to a Pandora. But that is a fantasy that would need not only some mega software, but also Tardiss technology. But if I’m talking about fantasy, wouldn’t it be better if it folded out into Charlotte Church. Any way I better chill with the of topic shit before gerds starts shutup bevising me.