will any of the stuff from the meet be made public


Mar 19, 2003
Hey I was just wondering if any of the things that are going to be shown at the meet up will be made public. Due to the fact that I live in the states there is no way I will be able to go to the meet even if I wanted to I couldn't make it out. I would really like to check out some of the stuff thats going to be shown at the meet up so will any of it be made public after the meet?
Not as of yet. It's up to the authors whether they want it to be public or not. WE shopuld have a lot of interesting views in the next few days though.

None of Rlyeh's emus were even given out at the meet, as we promised not to. However, out of necessity, GPengine multiplayer was given out to pley multiplayer RF games but cant be distributed publically.. Also, I was given permission to freely distribute Zardoz Jones' GenEmu at the meet, and lots of people were impressed.

Anyways, more news soon.
