Brit' meet up bits n' bobs


May 20, 2003
Leicestershire, UK
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Just out of intrest what we all brining to the meet and other stuff?
GP's? Obviously
RF units ?
Preview code for our homebrew projects?
Gameboys ? ok so its a GP meet but is any planning on bringing some GBA link up games?
MoviePark/CinimaGP movies?

Is any one comming to make contacts for future programing projects or is it just a big piss up in the name of GP greatness (im good either way :) )

Any competitions (on RF games) to be planned?
Any one need lifts/car pooling to Bath or train station?
Any one underage to go drinking ?
Who's documenting the meet for the rest of the comunity? (is it wise to bring expensive camera's/camcorders if we're on the piss all day or do we use disposables then scan em')

Just some Q's i thought id throw into the mix? any answers or more Q's ?
I'll have me decent digital camera, so we should get some good shots, and I'll be bringing me digital camcorder too, as well as me tablet PC, so I wont exactly be abler to get off me face or I'll go home several gadgets lighter....

Basically, you can bring all you want to! Even GBAs if the urge takes you! Doubt they'll get much of a look in though!

Underage drinking is up the individual. If the pub will serve you, then it's your responsibilty.

Anyone with RF units should definitely bring them. Anyone with laptops may want to bring them (i'll bring crossover cables so people can transfer stuff direct). You;re welcome to bring any moviepark movies you have for us to nick... ;)

We're getting ideas together at the moment for stuff we can do. Are hoping for at least one or two exclusives which will be kept well under wraps just in case they dont happen (just to whet you're appetite). I think the idea of an RF compo would be great. Any ideas, post them here....

Any homebrew stuff, bring it along for all to see. Get some constructive critisism, and wow everyone who wouldn't know an interger from a pizza.

I may start posting locations on if everyone agrees closer to the date, so that peolple can organize car pools if they want.

Keep those suggestions coming.....

If we can arrange some kind of RF game tournament any chance CraigX would contribute one of his elusive black GP cases as the prize ?

If your under age don’t worry I’m willing to mar my reputation to buy your drinks (dont tell your mum I don’t want some angry woman ringing me asking why her 16 yr old son took a dump in her laundry hamper at 4am)

If needed I can bring my swanky camcorder (Cannon XM1) & tripod(if needed). Otherwise I plan to bring a disposable and just scan the piccies incase any one needs ‘em. I'll DVD'r some stuff to bring and hopefully have some code (time permitting) to bring to.
Just wanna remind u that the sms emu has RF support (doesnt know if it works tho) so thats a good way for every1 to have a go at rf games.

Wish i could go to the meeting but im all the way in aussie land :P
