Wii-U Gamepad hacking.. pie in the sky


Advanced Member
Aug 24, 2011
Workington, Cumbria, UK
I've hacked/tinkered or modded (or to be more accurate, someone else has done it for me) pretty much every console I've ever owned.

I'm interested in what could potentially be possible with the Wii-U gamepad.. remote playing PC games seems entirely feasible in some form or another, I know you can do it with Tablets, but it's a bit crappy atm with hit & miss control/display, major lag etc.

This would be reason alone for me to buy another gamepad, but who knows what Heath Robinson uses the hacking community will eventually come up with.

Any thoughts..?
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I was almost thinking of hacking a 360 controller to use it on the wii u ...
it doesnt contain a internal processor as about i know,

its just a controller that recive image and send input of touch and button.
it doesnt contain a internal processor as about i know,
You mean all functionality is hard-wired ?!

The iCP has a programmable micro-controller, and it doesn't have to handle images.
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