Wi-Fi false disconnection ?!


Forum Addict!
Jun 20, 2011
In the beginning I've found some problem connecting with my router (netgear DG834G v4), but I resolved changing the channel to 12.

Now, I can navigate throught the net at 54k, very well, BUT, after some minutes, it SEEMS to disconnect... and I repeat "SEEMS"

I explain better, pinging the router gives no response, BUT, in the "Wireless Networks" window it is listed as connected, ad I even have the option to disconnect, and in the "Connection Information" window I can see the ip address (dynamically given from the router), the default route with the router address and the DNS set... even the Speed value changes sometimes...

but in order to effectively return on the net, I need to reconnect to the router... (precisely, I don't click to "disconnect" first, I click directly on my router name)

Is there some sort of timeout set ?

I have installed SuperZaxxon beta 2

EDIT: I tried to keep the connection alive pinging the router, but it disconnect anyway...
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I've moved this to the Support section, if that's alright - it seems to fit better here. :p
sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off

I already used that http://boards.openpa...-6/#entry115753

but didn't change anything

EDIT: from dmesg I see this:

Just after connection

wlan0: associated

phy0: Allocated STA ca5e45e8

phy0: Inserted STA ca5e45e8

and all is working, but when the connection stop i see this

No probe response from AP ca64febc after 500ms, try 1

EDIT 2: no, it was just a case, even after the connection stop I see only the first code

EDIT 3: The router was in "g & b" mode, and the pandora wasn't pinging it (but reported as connected), then I changed the mode to "g only" on the router AND SUDDENLY THE PANDORA STARTED TO REACH IT WITH PING WITHOUT RECONNECTION... then I put the router to "g & b" again... and the pandora continue to ping it... now the connection seems stable... but I can't understand what happened
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Ok I made it !!

The Pandora seems to work without issues on a "netgear DG834G v4" with wireless mode "g only" (and maybe channel 13) ;) d

EDIT: NO... it disconnects even with "g only"... but I've found that when I change the wireless mode on the router the pandora start to ping again
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I have the same problem under kernel 3.2. I can only send a few packages (or download data for half a second) before it stops working. Works great under kernel 2.6...
before the mode change trials the connection was working for 2 to 10 minutes for me, after I put the router in "g only" it worked for 30 min
Routers are weird. I have to reset my router once a week or so because otherwise wireless devices can't communicate with each other. They can still ping the router, wired hosts, and the internet, but inexplicably, after about 7 or 8 days of use, no two wifi connected devices can ping each other. It makes no sense, I just reset and move on.

Your router is probably doing something after half an hour, I couldn't even begin to guess at what, that makes communicating with the Pandora specifically difficult. When you change the mode it probably does some kind of connection reset and everything goes back to the way it was, but then 30 minutes or so later it does the same thing it always does again. The next time it happens, try resetting your router: pull the power, let it sit for a minute, plug it back in.

Other things to look for would be power saving features in the router config, try toggling them on or off. Speed boost features may be causing confusion, try turning those off. I guess the only advice I can give is to go through the router config and see if there is anything that seems to imply a non-standard feature.
Routers are weird. I have to reset my router once a week or so because otherwise wireless devices can't communicate with each other. They can still ping the router, wired hosts, and the internet, but inexplicably, after about 7 or 8 days of use, no two wifi connected devices can ping each other. It makes no sense, I just reset and move on.
I got the very same on a new model Speedport W7xx Router from Telekom Germany. First it works, I can use VNC from Phone, Tablet, Pandora, Laptop to Desktop. After half an hour or so the connection would drop. All devices can ping the router, but not each other. I have connected a TP-LINK router to it and use its Wifi now, no problems. Routers are weird, yes :/
Routers are weird. I have to reset my router once a week or so because otherwise wireless devices can't communicate with each other. They can still ping the router, wired hosts, and the internet, but inexplicably, after about 7 or 8 days of use, no two wifi connected devices can ping each other. It makes no sense, I just reset and move on.

Your router is probably doing something after half an hour, I couldn't even begin to guess at what, that makes communicating with the Pandora specifically difficult. When you change the mode it probably does some kind of connection reset and everything goes back to the way it was, but then 30 minutes or so later it does the same thing it always does again. The next time it happens, try resetting your router: pull the power, let it sit for a minute, plug it back in.

Other things to look for would be power saving features in the router config, try toggling them on or off. Speed boost features may be causing confusion, try turning those off. I guess the only advice I can give is to go through the router config and see if there is anything that seems to imply a non-standard feature.

the strange thing is that the other pc with windows or even linux does not have problems at all... it is really a weird thing
Mmmm I found an update for the firmware of my router and installed it... the Pandora is still connected after 4 hours -_- (it's a new record !!)
So... It depends on the router? Great... I guess I can kiss goodbye to the 600+ kB/s I got under 2.6? :|
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For me it was already going at 54M, the only problem was that strange "non-disconnection" ... it was like if the pandora was in the net, but wasn't able to see the router address anymore...

anyway, it's still here pinging the router :)
Disconnected... :(

EDIT: mmm... now that I think about it... for the whole time the Pandora was connected, emule was closed, on the other PC... I started it only half an hour ago... maybe...
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WTF !! Seems really emule the problem !! Maybe if I reduce the generated traffic, I can get all running well...
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Even limiting emule max connections and so on I wasn't able to leave the Pandora connected... anyway now I'm 100% sure that the problem is that... I always had a network of 1 PC... so only now I can see the limits of my router
I was thinking that my router wasn't too powerful, but maybe there were too many waves in my house... I found that when the Pandora was close to the other PC the disconnection was fast, but when connecting from the balcony I was able to navigate for 30 minutes...

Just an update if someone is interested, I found a solution for my issues, I connected the other PC directly to the router through an ethernet cable and disabled its wifi.

Now, even if the other PC fills the bandwith, the Pandora still remains connected through wifi !!! ;)

It's good to be able to navigate with both at the same time :D
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Problem here to under 1.5b3 and kernel 3.2. I have a wifi stick handy but do not know how to set it up and use it.

Linksys USB54GC ver.3

"Compact Wireless -G USB Network Adapter"

Chipset is listed as:

RT2800U 11bgn WLAN

How do I use this? I want to see if the problem is on my end or the router. ONLY my pandora has problems staying connected.

And, like slaeshjag. I seem to have no problem if I use the 2.6 kernel. Wifi Excellence. But under 3.2 it just - cant touch this - router! I also get realistic wifi strength under 2.6 while 3.2 alwayys shows FULL even when it loses the router.

So why not take this opportunity to learn how to use an external wifi in Linux.
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Switch to B4. Wifi is greatly improved for many.

To use an external wifi, the module needs to be compiled for ARM against the right kernel. It isn't necessarily a simple task. There's one very common chipset already compiled into the kernel(s), but I can't remember off hand what it is.