Sure I could use apps and browse with a chatboard and d-pad, a touchscreen would be easier, but even without the touchscreen (which is finalized and I will accept) I can still use the unit for a purpose which is beyond it's original intention (Psuedo portable linux PC perhaps?)
I'm not saying a touchscreen is bad or isn't needed for other uses, I'm saying that alot of use (and features beyond it's original purpose) can be squeezed from the device quite easily and in a practical way with the control stick. Which is going to matter most since the design is -finalized- without a touchscreen.
If I could turn my GP2X into a portable linux PC -with- some sort of internet or web browseing ability (even with a slower less effecient way of inputting things, but i'm pretty sure I could use the chatboard with it too.) on top of the fact it can play media, run linux apps, GP2X games (which will probably pop up) then it's still a great deal for under $200
I do not disagree to the things you said at all and in fact you've just proven the point that I've been trying to make all these while. It is a welcome addition indeed and it isnt unwelcome for the little extra cost it might have added. It is indeed a good deal to have it under 200 for what it has to offer but I am pretty much given the mass availibility of ts lcd, that it could've still been under 200
I know what is done its done and the specs has been finalized... but it doesnt hurt to have the developers to be aware of what I have to say about this and give ts a serious consideration on their next product update.
Now, lets not forget that this has to compete with the psp as well, and the only edge it has at the momment is...
more ram
more processing power[highly debatable ofcouse]
better battery life
most of the things listed above arent gonna be noticeable at the momment if for example, if emulation runs on both system at full speed no one is gonna care about the extra ram since the psp[and I predict the psp is indeed capable] is running emu at fspeed.... Now imagine you have TS to boot.... now you certainly have bragging rights in terms of the ease of use when it comes to dosbox emulation ect... at lot more consumers will turn their heads because now it offers something alot different for psp...
Now I've noticed this trend. You've mentioned many times that it being difficult to control ect, does not mean you cant do the things that could be done via tsreen
I'm not saying a touchscreen isn't welcome and isn't better, I'm saying that most non-standard uses for the GP2X can be easily done with the hardware as is.
If you look into the gaming scene of TS vs non-TS device you'll find the following in your observation:
Scumm is very popular amoung pocketpc and palm users... more so than snes gens ect. On the other hand, console emulation were more popular with the gp32 and will obiously be the gp2x's highlights more so than scumm or any games that would require mouse movement... Why do you think this is the case?
My ipaq runs snes at full speed... why am I looking for alternative?
All I am saying is do not underestimate power of how controls can affect the outcome usage of a product... Call it "less efficient but do-able" if you must, little things like that do matter.
Also, the extend of the effectiveness of using buttons to replace the task of TS depends on each individual and it does have its learning curve... while TS on the other hand... well, its just touching