Who's got/getting Soul Calibur II?

GP32 Kirby

May 30, 2003
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I wanna know which of you lucky people own, imported or at least is getting a copy of Soul Calibur II, 'cuz pretty soon my american import copy of the (GameCube) Soul Calibur II should arrive.. I cant wait to try out Link in it :)

..now if only Ganondorf was also a selectable character.. :P
Yay! I recieved my import this morning through mail :D But I cant play it until 5:30pm, 'cuz I got college right now. :P

Oh, and this is my 100th post, and at GP32 Hardcore level.. :)
I had a jap xbox version and for me the game was no where near as good as the dreamcast version for me it was a complete let down :(
johnno15 posted on Sep 3 2003 said:
I had a jap xbox version and for me the game was no where near as good as the dreamcast version for me it was a complete let down :(
Was that 'cause of having to use the X-Box controller? :P

Controls on the Cube are tight :)
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I know how good the gamecube controller is but i was using a conntroler s so its nothin to do with the controlls it just didnt seem as good as the original :angry: which was gutting but its still good :D