Who Want To Sell Me A Gp32 Blu Or Blu+

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Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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*** I made that new topic here because DaveC said: It isn't against the rules to sell on here but this should be in the "marketplace" section.' to a guy that sell his wiz in wiz general talk section

So i try to buy one since several weeks.

I offer 60$ us including shipping cost to canada,montreal h2g2t4. BUT DONT HESITATE TO MAKE OFFER EVEN IF ITS HIGHER THAN 60$ US WE WILL DISCUSS

Shipping cost From US to canada is very low with first class mail
For UK or others, i want a airmail, but i dont need insurance or tracking.

I can accept a very used unit or defect one for less. Even if the plastic screen is scratched. But i dont want the lcd glass screen scratched or cracked. ( the glass screen(lcd) is below the plastic screen)

DONT HESITATE TO MAKE OFFER. if you want more we will discuss or if you have smc, games or accesories with it. BUT I PREFER to buy only the console because i have my own smc, games and accessoiries. i already have a nlu and a flu.

I prefer a gp32 Blu but i will accept a Blu+ Because all emulators i played work with the blu+

I wait your offer. thanks for offers.

pm me or email me: renejr902@hotmail.com

note: please dont hit me because i post that here !! i hope its okay
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