Which Linux To Use On Laptop For Practice?


Squidge suggested Xubuntu as it is going to be the OS base on Pandora.

Oh for FUCKS sake!!! :angry:

I *HATE* ubuntu, it's becoming one of those too overrated OS's with the windows style "look how amazing I look and I can do EVERYTHING for you - hey aren't I cool!!!"

Would someone please give me 5 reasons why ubuntu is better than other distros rather than the usual:

cos my mate said so or it's popular therefore it must be good
I too are looking into a Linux/Unix based Operating System to get to grips with as I always used MS DOS and Windows. Nice to learn something new! Just seeing what you lot recommend as a good starter. :D
5 reasons why I love Ubuntu:
1. Frequent releases (once every 6 months)
2. Enormous community
3. Extensive software repository
4. Debian base
5. Mark Shuttleworth