my desktop settings would reset and in some cases change to completly new settings for compiz,the rightclick on the desktop would disapear,the multi screen panel would change from my 4 cube setup to 2 screens side by side without cube animation,this did this with a few reinstalls but this time round it seems to be fine.
the installer was ,after a format reinstall ,once loaded up i run the update manager ,150 updates ,it downlads them then crashes 60% through the updates installer ,this happend twice and messed everything up,mem test is a pass and the the only hardware problem
i had was with the display ,laptop s6120 intel graphics ,i couldnt get 3d to work so try'd other drivers but crashed the system so i had to revert to original driver,tho i can get cube working perfectly and the overall speed of the system with ubuntu is very fast,faster than win xp mce 2005.
some of the problems i had in the begining were my own fault as i had
installed apps from different distros and non trusted ones, just messing around with it ,breaking it gets you used to what it can and cant do.
still loving it tho and right now i have compiz working perfectly and all my fav plugins working so im happy with it till it crashes again.