Which Browser

Wheels said:
Personally, I have trouble getting excited about Chrome because they've gone what, 3 official Windows versions and still don't have a release version for Linux yet, even though it was planned from the start of the project? And Chrome 4 is already in beta.

The unstable for Linux is quite usable, and it even runs the Flash plugin I have for Firefox.
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The official Linux and Mac versions of Chrome are still in development. In the meantime there's a related project called Chromium, which can be compiled for OS X and Linux, but it doesn't have a stable release.
mindlord said:
The only plugin I use is adblock plus. If there was a way to strip Firefox down even more, like no history, bookmarks, or even theming... I'd be happy. :)

It is webkit based, but did you ever try uzbl? it has been basically stripped of everything.
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dflemstr said:
Gary13579 said:
conso said:
my browser of choice will probably be midori, but who can tell that, yet? I'll compare some browsers as soon as I get my pandora and will probably repeat that from time to time.

Considering both are WebKit based, I think Chromium would be better off than Midori. Midori uses C/C++ based plugins, right? Which means no cross compat. Chrome, however, uses javascript plugins (IIRC) which allows for much larger support.
Chrome uses Javascript plugins, yes. However, Midori is slightly faster than Chromium, as can be seen in my benchmarks here:

EDIT: It's not a reason for not using Chromium however; Chromium has much more features...

I would love to see how Midori's javascript engine compares to V8, though. Mind opening this page and watching your browser die ;) ?


Wheels said:
The official Linux and Mac versions of Chrome are still in development. In the meantime there's a related project called Chromium, which can be compiled for OS X and Linux, but it doesn't have a stable release.

Chromium = Chrome. There *are* versions of Chrome for linux/mac, via Chromium.
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Gary13579 said:
I would love to see how Midori's javascript engine compares to V8, though. Mind opening this page and watching your browser die ;) ?

I think that Midori actually uses V8...

Also, that page doesn't lag for me at all. 60 constant FPS, and no tearing. Yeah.
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dflemstr said:
Gary13579 said:
I would love to see how Midori's javascript engine compares to V8, though. Mind opening this page and watching your browser die ;) ?

I think that Midori actually uses V8...

Also, that page doesn't lag for me at all. 60 constant FPS, and no tearing. Yeah.

Well then. *claps*.

For FireFox, it takes ~30 seconds to load and then gets 2-3 FPS in game, depending on game. And my system is far from slow (Q6600 @ 4GHz).
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El Jefe said:
webkit nightly on a 2.8 ghz dual core,
10-11 fps
on legend of zelda
Wow, you really have to have a lot of background tasks running...

(I got my 60 FPS using Chromium nightly aka (30028), which I compiled locally :P Oh and I use a Q6600 with stock cooler + stock clocks)
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There is a Java build of Opera Mini 5 http://www.opera.com/mini/next/ - 5 FPS in Opera 10 using one core with Legend of Zelda
ABP - needed
FireGestures - Handy, but not needed
Chatzilla - faster then opening irc
Linkification - No light weight browsers have this built in :(
Rakaichan - great translation tool, want it to work with a french dictionary though.

also important is highlighting text and being able to search it via google. not all lightweight browsers have this :(
valhalla said:
It is webkit based, but did you ever try uzbl? it has been basically stripped of everything.

Uzbl has a nice idea to it. I've thought about moving to it once I have the time to set it up properly. It even cold starts instantly!
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Someone explain to me the use of IRC
I used it once to download some final fantasy music from ffshrine channel, and I've heard Boten Anna a bunch, but thats the extent of my experience with IRC.
oops, I kinda said that wrong, I know how to use, but what I meant was, why would you use it? whats the point?
Yeah, I get 60fps with no issues running that in Chrome x86_64 on Arch Linux (with Pandora open in another tab).
El Jefe said:
oops, I kinda said that wrong, I know how to use, but what I meant was, why would you use it? whats the point?
  • No nonsense
  • Good text-mode client (irssi)
  • Using a shell server, client holds state between sessions (screen)
  • Channel-oriented instead of separate chats
  • People using it
To name a few.
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Vorporeal said:
Yeah, I get 60fps with no issues running that in Chrome x86_64 on Arch Linux (with Pandora open in another tab).
Yeah, and you also just use the vanilla AUR install right? One command line command, and yaourt/makepkg compiles everything automatically for you! (Or just downloads the binary for you, whatever...)
Man, if it only was possible to run Arch on the Pandora...
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El Jefe said:
oops, I kinda said that wrong, I know how to use, but what I meant was, why would you use it? whats the point?

I don't use it any more, but there was a time (believe it or not) when it was the *only* real way to chat in 'realtime' on the internet...
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El Jefe said:
oops, I kinda said that wrong, I know how to use, but what I meant was, why would you use it? whats the point?
Real time group chat. It's a standard communication protocol and doesn't require sign up (in most cases) so basically anyone can just connect and go.
Even if the Pandora came with no other software but the OS and network connectivity, a basic IRC client could be written in under 10 minutes from scratch. The same cannot be said for any other IM client. Except maybe that protocol G-Talk uses. Or ICQ, but who uses that anymore?
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