Where To Get?


La vieille dame et les pigeons
Mar 16, 2004
North Wales, UK
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I've been researching like crazy about the gp32 an I know all the games to get for it. Just wondering where's the best place to get one from. all sites speak of lik-sang.com but is it the best? I'm british so only pounds please. :huh:
GBAX.com if they have stock... good for uk :)

Mine came in under 24 hours, cheapish, preflashed with multifirmware (U dont have to do it uself... this is good :D) and u get a CD with some stuff on :)

oh and plenty more :D
people here will say gbax or what ever its called but i think lik-sang is better. It was much cheaper when i got mine anyway and im in the uk too.
CABBAGES posted on Mar 16 2004 at 09:41 PM said:
people here will say gbax or what ever its called but i think lik-sang is better. It was much cheaper when i got mine anyway and im in the uk too.
How much altogether....

mine was 160 quid with a 128mb smart media card and came in 12 hours :D

oh and I officially love Craig :)
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mine was about £160 includeing 128 mb card and p+p and it was the flu version. At that time it was over £200 at gbax for the flu and card i think it was quite a bit over £200 cant remember exactly. Oh tha treminds me dont get your cards from sany of those too 7dayshop.com otr otyher places are cheaper. :D
CABBAGES posted on Mar 16 2004 at 10:04 PM said:


there lik-sang is still cheaper but not as big a difference as b4
some people have been getting charged Import Tax when ordering from Lik-Sang making it more expensive than GBAX.... I would say use GBAX so theres no risk of Import tax, and if something goes wrong with it you can send it back to Craig Much easier than Shipping it Off to Lik-Sang...
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I didn't get import tax... I think it's just if you order UPS express and you aren't in the USA, but I think that applies to craig too. Nevermind, I don't know what I'm talking about :huh:

GBAX if you are in the UK or if you want really good service. Lik-Sang if you are in USA. It's much cheaper, but it doesn't come with any extras like a CD and upgraded firmware. I don't know about where you should get them from if you are in other countries
I was going to get mine from Lik-Sang but GBAX were so dam helpfull and they are based in Newcastle :) i just had to use them. I am glad i did they have been nothing short of fantastic and i would say its worth the extra to get the better service.
If you live in uk prob Gbax.com but in us, i would say lik-sang, im pretty sure they ran out though, try ebaying it if you dont want gbax.com cause i think they are really expensive if you live in U.s.

If you read most of these msges you prob wont have enough time so hurry and get one before everyone realises how great the gp32 is. :D

Btw: I hate pepsi and apple "computers"
ty u r most helpful my mate went 4 gbax and he's very pleased i was going to go with lik-sang but the risk of imrport tax sounds rather scary. Thanks for the help :D
Esn posted on Mar 17 2004 at 02:19 AM said:
What's all this talk about different firmware in the GBAx GP32s?
GBAX is or was flashing GP32s with the euro firmware as it doesn't need the Free Loader which required the GP32 website to get which was down.
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Doctor posted on Mar 17 2004 at 08:29 AM said:
Esn posted on Mar 17 2004 at 02:19 AM said:
What's all this talk about different firmware in the GBAx GP32s?
GBAX is or was flashing GP32s with the euro firmware as it doesn't need the Free Loader which required the GP32 website to get which was down.
I thought they were flashing it to Multi Firmware or the Firmware of your choise... hhmmm
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Thanks again for the advice but is it worth going with GBAX since they put on a few file launchers already on the gp32. Are these easy enough to install yourself though?