Where to get the GP32?


Still Fresh
Aug 16, 2003
Could someone help please, I've finally got the money to get a gp32 and I want to order it very soon - and I want it with a backlight.

I've just borrowed doom for the GBA and I could hardly see the damn screen it was so crap. :P

But I have found out that older versions suffer from bad dust behind the screen or something? I don't want this - so where did everyone get their gp32 w/ backlight or does anyone know the best place to get it from? I mean does anyone find dust a big problem, any advice is welcome please.
It will always be easy for dust to get into a GP32 with FLU, because it's not well-sealed. I don't have any problems with dust inside the screencover, so I think they have improved their methods, but you can always get a bad example. Where to buy depend on where you live. I live in Sweden and bought mine from Gbax.com (went great), but you can always check out Lik-sang.com, Play-Asia and other stores. Don't let a little bit of dust come between you and the GP32! ;)

P.S. Many say backlight, but the GP32 is Frontlit (FLU = Front Lit Unit)! ;)

Good luck! :)