Where To Buy The Pandora


May 13, 2008
Hello all,

I'm new to this forum, and I've been following the Pandora's progress quite religiously. I'm glad to see that the team has working prototypes and is sending them out to developers. I'm writing to ask where will I and most other people who are interested be able to pick one of these babies up and start gaming on the go. I understand that this is a very underground operation and I will not be able to head into my local Target or Wal-mart and walk out with a Pandora, what I mean is will it be available on the Pandora site itself or through other internet retailers, maybe both?

CandidStan :pandora1:
Nobody really has any information yet except for the top devs. However, if you check this forum and openpandora.org, i can guarantee you that, within 5 seconds of a preorder link appearing on openpandora.org, there will be a forum post. The only way at first to pick one up will be online and I don't think (though I don't know) that the devs have plans to distribute Pandoras to retail stores. In short, just check this forum once in a while and sometime june-august you'll get your answer.