Where To Buy Gp2x??

It gives you an error message that tells you "no three letter words". So if you wanna consider that searching ok then whatever.
Really? LIAR!

"You searched for: buy

Unfortunately your search didn't return any results.
Try broadening the search parameters by searching by different keywords or altering the format of your search.
Remember to use the wildcard '*' to increase the number of matches. Apple* will match 'apple' and 'apples'.

Search Again?"


Hmmmmmmmmmm they changed it. It used to give you the error message. Oh well. Now it just acts like it didnt find anything. If you search for "was" it wont find anything?
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Time for gp32z to update their images lol

Hmmmmmmmmmm they changed it. It used to give you the error message. Oh well. Now it just acts like it didnt find anything. If you search for "was" it wont find anything?
It gives that error, but only for articles and whatnot (Common words I guess). Its misleading...
Oddly, it gives no error for 'Buy' and doesn't return any results, but when paired with another word, like 'gp2x' it includes 'buy' in the search results(EG returns posts wiith both words in the content).
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Time for gp32z to update their images lol


I doubt he will. He usually doesn't like to mess about with his images, he gets other people to do it for him (you should have seen his site before it was redesigned by pixelthis). I know about his image building skill, because he asked me to test out one of his first ad banners, wasn't that great, but it was mainly just than animation that was bad.
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