Alright, I just got my paycheck today and I've ordered the GP2X, TV-Out cable, carrying case, and AC adapter for $240 with S&H. I also picked up four 2700 mA batteries + Maha C204W charger with 2-day S&H from for $55. My girlfriend had purchased some RAM for her laptop and I leeched off of her S&H for a 4GB A-data SD card (used) for $68. Altogether that comes out to $363, nearly my entire paycheck. Much more than I had originally anticipated but I shouldn't need to purchase anything else for it (unless I want to get a breakout board for multiplayer).
Here's really to hoping that nothing goes wrong with the device or any of the peripherals. I'm really betting a lot of money on this one, I usually buy stuff in a retail store because I know I can return it, it's a lot different when you're buying it from somewhere in Hong Kong.