Where is the GPScumm homepage?!


Aug 26, 2003
Visit site

I can't access ph0x's site, is there a new one?
Is GPScumm already playable?
Does it support al games that SCUMM sopports?
I have the CD versions of DOTT and BASS, how to fit the sound/speech on a SMC? encode it in some thing new?
1. I couldn't access it last I tried either, perhaps some web hosting problem.

2. Yes it certainly is playable. The 132MHz version has some cracky noises, due to low clock speed, but the games runs well.

3. current GPScumm supports most games that the original ScummVM that it is based on supports. There are a 0.5 version coming up, built on ScummVM 0.5.1 source I think, that should handle anything ScummVM handles.

4. No speech support yet, wait for 0.5.1. In the meantime, just remove the monsters.soc or whatever the file is called. BASS doesn't work at all until 0.5.1.
I can't access ph0x's site, is there a new one?
Ph0x's homepage is currently down (server problems). There are mirrors about on the GP sites however.

Is GPScumm already playable?
LucasArt's SCUMM games are very playable.
The current port is based on ScummVM 0.3.1 so games work like they did in that release.

Does it support all games that SCUMM sopports?
No the 0.3.1 port only works with LucasArt's games. The current 0.5.1 test build (not released) also only supports LucasArt's games right now.

I have the CD versions of DOTT and BASS, how to fit the sound/speech on a SMC?
BASS currently won't work however the whole CD will fit on an SMC.
DOTT's Monster.sou file (speech) is too big to fit on an SMC however OGG compression support my be possible in future releases.

2. Yes it certainly is playable. The 132MHz version has some cracky noises, due to low clock speed, but the games runs well.
Actually the sound crackles are due to an SDK/code problem. It's not strictly the speed that is the issue. This is fixed via a hack/workaround :P in the 0.5.1 test builds.
Does anyone know where to get the SCUMM version with fixed saves in Monkey Island 1?
cool, im waiting a long time for a new scumm release :D
hope we get a new version soon...
This one of the Best things for GP32 i think..
With the saved games for SCUMM you need to edit the FXE in a hex editor as by default it saves games with a 4 character file extension which obviously dosent work properly. By changing this you can get SCUMM saves to work fine.
Oliboli posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
With the saved games for SCUMM you need to edit the FXE in a hex editor as by default it saves games with a 4 character file extension which obviously dosent work properly. By changing this you can get SCUMM saves to work fine.
I know this and I even know where to find the exact instructions - but a working version would be better. Not every new GP32 User knows about this
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Oliboli posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
With the saved games for SCUMM you need to edit the FXE in a hex editor as by default it saves games with a 4 character file extension which obviously dosent work properly. By changing this you can get SCUMM saves to work fine.
This is fixed in the 0.5.1 code.
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Thank for your answers, I guess I will wait then :(
It really is the best thing on GP32, aynway, I just hope for BASS support in the future. Is it possible to encode OGGs AND run the game?! I guess ajust a port won't do that...
synkro posted on Sep 4 2003 said:
Thank for your answers, I guess I will wait then :(
It really is the best thing on GP32, aynway, I just hope for BASS support in the future. Is it possible to encode OGGs AND run the game?! I guess ajust a port won't do that...
I would really like to get BASS working. It's a personal fav.

In order to use the OGG support you would use the ScummVM tools (separate to this port, downloadable from www.scummvm.org) to encode the monster.sou to a monster.sog (OGG encoded) and then pop that in the game folder on the SMC.
If OGG is enabled the port will then attempt to decode the .sog on the fly and playback all the samples just as it would an uncompressed .sou.

Currently the OGG part of the port is so CPU intensive that you have to kill the ScummVM MIDI engine and overclock to 166MHz and even then it is not working well :(.
A VERY good Korean GP32 developer is currently helping me optimise this to get it working on at 133MHz with the MIDI disabled. It should also support OGG encoded CD audio tracks as ScummVM 0.5.1 does as that uses the same OGG library calls.
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Damn it. CD-audio in ogg format. Then i can play my loom cd-version on my GP32. That would be so damn cool. Isnt mp3-decoding less CPU intensive? Even with the sound compressed in mp3, most scumm-games would fit on a 128 mb smc.
Isn’t mp3-decoding less CPU intensive?

Not much in it really. On the GP32 my gut feeling is that OGG has more scope to be easily optimised.

Even with the sound compressed in mp3, most scumm-games would fit on a 128 mb smc.

Very true. OGG and MP3 are about the same size overall.

If anybody can point me in the direction of a working patched GP32 version of LibMAD (the MP3 library) then I would be very interested in looking at it. My attempts to patch it for the GP32 have been very unsuccessful :( as have several other attempts I know of hence why I have looked more at OGG support.
nice, I hope you don't mind if I ask some questions more ;)

Well, I don't care that much about the speech, I played them all w/o anyway :) as long I can listen to the old tunes. Does it help to decode the *.SOU in to a really low quality?

what means A VERY GOOD developer? Are you going to put the major routines (grafics/sound) into ASM?

I am glad you like BASS, too... Why are there problems with BASS, I thought there is a compatibilty of ~80% with the native scumm?
Well, I don't care that much about the speech; I played them all w/o anyway :) as long I can listen to the old tunes. Does it help to decode the *.SOU in to a really low quality?

ScummVM works internally with 22Khz samples from the Monster.sou. That’s the quality level there encoded to and I do not plan to change that.

what means A VERY GOOD developer? Are you going to put the major routines (grafics/sound) into ASM?
I am NOT a good developer by any stretch of the imagination ;). I hack code about at best :P and break things at worst.

I am however having discussion with a very good GP32 developer with regard to optimising the OGG playback code. He has patched a good bit of Tremor to optimise it for the GP32 (Some very neat C and ASM). He is not helping with the ScummVM port as such.

I am glad you like BASS, too... Why are there problems with BASS, I thought there is a compatibilty of ~80% with the native scumm?

The existing port is causing BASS (and Simon) to crash with some weird and wonderful memory problems. I have my suspicions as to the cause but have not had time to really get stuck into it. The priority was to get the 0.3.1 gpScummVM functionality working with the 0.5.1 ScummVM code to give a solid foundation to build on.
i'm also keen for a new scumm release - as the 133 version worked fine when i was testing on geepee - but sadly not in my particular gp32 - and no way am i ever overclocking this baby. monkey looked to be running really well, fingers crossed

as an aside, the c=64 emulator frodo - seems to play both maniac mansion and zak mccracken - obviously not as graphically pleasing as the pc versions but i'm well chuffed

the thought of beneath a steel sky on gp32 is a fine one ! :)
i'm also keen for a new scumm release - as the 133 version worked fine when i was testing on geepee - but sadly not in my particular gp32 - and no way am i ever overclocking this baby. monkey looked to be running really well, fingers crossed

as an aside, the c=64 emulator frodo - seems to play both maniac mansion and zak mccracken - obviously not as graphically pleasing as the pc versions but i'm well chuffed

the thought of beneath a steel sky on gp32 is a fine one ! :)
Hi all!

My first reply!! :lol:

How do you get around the password option at the beginning of Monkey Island 2?
Normally you would type in the numbers by pressing R+ up button (as said in the readme) but there is no selection possible, because it doesn't allowed me to choose the characters and select by default 0 then 1 then 2 then... but never in the same case :unsure:
copy protection should be disabled, just hold down R and push up, and it should just enter a few numbers and proceed to the game, if that don't work.... dunno?!