Where Do You Come From?


  • Europe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • USA

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  • Canada

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  • South America

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  • Australia

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  • Asia

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  • Russia

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  • Middle East

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Africa

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

lubidog said:
After living in Sausage land and other parts of europe and then coming home to good old blighty, let me say that England is nothing like the rest of europe.

Thank God!
(It's still shite here, though! I wanna live in New Zealand!)

Everywhere is shite, but in different ways and varying degrees. As countries go, England is less shite than most.

Also, Portugal is absolutely nothing like the Czech Republic, but we don't want to go carving up Europe like that, do we?
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Chip said:
I asked the other mods for a ruling on political discussion in the off-topic forum, and we agreed that it,s fine as long as nobody gets out of hand.
Hah, you weren't around when the mods actually did enforce that rule. It was funny, the forum equivalent of a riot!
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chad78 said:
Chip said:
PlopperZ said:
I'm curious to know why Chad doesn't want to be involved with any of those kind of associations.
I was giving him the benefit of the doubt and figured he was just being sarcastic. If he really means it, then maybe it's a red state thing.Yeah it's a red state thing.

Hey, new mod - try re-reading those rules you're sworn to protect.QUOTE
- Political discussion are prohibited, as is any discussion on religion and religious matters.

Seriously - you're Sacha Baron Cohen right?

On topic - Im from a small fishing village on the banks of the Clyde called Glasgow (pronounced gles-ga).
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I be British! I'll have you know that I feel extremely devastated, distraught, insulted and nauseous having to place my vote in Europe for this poll :angry:

Now excuse me whilst I go plot how to bring back the empire.
I'm from Scotland. You know that small country north of England that every American claims to have a great great grandfather that used to live there and is currently run by idiotic nationalists wanting to give the country independance from the rest of the UK. Pfft... SNP. Just so we are clear, I don't follow any political party as I firmly believe that they are all made up of shite. It's just the SNP used a hell of a lot of lies to get into Holyrood along with the Independance thing which, hopefully, will never happen.
Neither. I don't follow football as it's not my kind of sport.

^ And I'm guessing your a "theinian" or however it's spelt. ;)

See that's the main problem with Scotland. Ok, the majority of the racism has gone yet these bloody football supports are just so ignorant with their labelling of huns and theinians. I say get rid of the labels and get on with it. It's only a game and doesn't need to be taken as seriously as many of the Celtic and Rangers supporters take it.
Sphinxter said:
Sorry chad, hope that wasn't on the test. :)
lol - I thought you were kidding. I was just playing along. I thought the whole "Wikipedia" thing would kind of make that clear. If you did look it up on Wiki, you'd see all kinds of maps and satellite photos and descriptions of the topography...

Just because it's an Island (or, Islands, actually) doesn't mean it isn't part of Europe. There are thousands of islands in the world - but only 7 continents. Even as big as it is, Greenland is not its own continent. Technically speaking - since all land is ultimately surrounded by water - even Antartica is an Island. The term "Continent" only has a meaning based on maps. So, yeah, the UK & Ireland are not physically connected to the rest of Europe (at least not above water) but they are still a part of the continent of Europe. Just like Japan (although a series of Islands) is a part of the continent of Asia.
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I found a article(linked in the wiki) regarding: Greenland, Continent or Island? With a comparison between Australia and Greenland.


In summary Greenland is not defined as a continent because...

- has no tectonic independence from other continents (Greenland is geologically part of North America)
- no unique flora and fauna (related to North America)
- no unique cultures (related to North America)
@ Unfathomable Depths - Sorry I didn't understand that. I don't know gaellic. Probably should have learnt it but there is no need for me to use it where I am. The only dialects I have to put up with are Fife ones and as a scotsman who doesn't sound Scottish (largely due to the fact my father is english and I've attend private schools virtually all my life), it's a pain in the arse trying to understand what some people say.

@ Tashi - You are aware, aren't you, that Australia isn't a continent on its own? Australia is part of the Oceania continent made up of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. If you knew that, and why wouldn't you, then ignore it.

Greenland isn't a continent though, not in my eyes.
Ganepark32 said:
@ Tashi - You are aware, aren't you, that Australia isn't a continent on its own? Australia is part of the Oceania continent made up of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. If you knew that, and why wouldn't you, then ignore it.

Greenland isn't a continent though, not in my eyes.

I `v learned that Australia is a continent. But I also heard the term Oceania.
Now I read that Oceania is on different tectonic plates. Because of that its not a continent. But I don`t know. I`m not a geologist :P
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