Where Can I Get Reesy's Emus?


Sep 14, 2006
I want Reesy's emulators for the native Dingoo firmware, PocketSNES ports v1, v1.1, v1.2, v2, v2.1 and ports of smsplus. Reesy's website is down can anyone provide another link?
Yes not sure what happened to my website on gp32x.de but hey I had it for free for ages so I can't complain. I'll upload the files somewhere and post a link...if I can find the files that is :)
Talk to EvilDragon. If you don't have them, I'm certain he has a backup of the server somewhere.
Reesy said:
Yes not sure what happened to my website on gp32x.de but hey I had it for free for ages so I can't complain. I'll upload the files somewhere and post a link...if I can find the files that is :)

Many Thanks
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Unfortunately I no longer have the files, I have the source code but none of the old release binaries.

Anyway I would recommend using some of the newer emulators as they are much better than my ones anyway

See link below for some good ones.


Reesy said:
Unfortunately I no longer have the files, I have the source code but none of the old release binaries.

Anyway I would recommend using some of the newer emulators as they are much better than my ones anyway

See link below for some good ones.



Thanks for the reply, no worries. I know there are newer emulators but I like to collect emu versions and yours are always top quality. I'm a bit disappointed I have come to the dingoo scene so late and now trying to catch up. Maybe someone in this community who has them can provide a link?
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Reesy said:
Unfortunately I no longer have the files, I have the source code but none of the old release binaries.

Anyway I would recommend using some of the newer emulators as they are much better than my ones anyway

See link below for some good ones.



Hi Reesy,

Just stumbled on this thread after some googling :-)

I'd be interested in the PocketSNES dingoo source (especially the older code). Could you PM me please so we can email? Do you use dropbox?


[edit wrong quote.]
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Saw your PM. I checked again and I've found the source code for all of the versions..I had shoved them into a folder called temp...I have no idea why :)

I'll upload later and put a link here


Reesy said:
Saw your PM. I checked again and I've found the source code for all of the versions..I had shoved them into a folder called temp...I have no idea why :)

I'll upload later and put a link here



You sir are a gentleman and scholar! Thank you.

I've performed test builds, removed binaries/object files/duplicate files and imported all 3... into http://code.google.com/p/hot-pocketsnes/ I still need to integrate a few forks that I found floating around (and get the wiki/front page going) but I have a starting point now.

I've a naive question to ask, what is the difference between PocketSNES and DrPocketSnes? From a really quick cursory inspection it looks like DrPocketSnes is closer to the original Pocket PC PocketSNES and that DrPocketSnes is significantly older. Is that correct? I'm guessing there isn't anything in DrPocketSnes that I would want?

For anyone else reading this thread the old binaries are also available too BUT the newer/latest ones are recommended.

Thanks again.
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Yes sorry for the confusion, yes the DrPocketSnes releases are older. Those releases were for the gp2x and Gizmondo. For the Dingoo release I started again with the original pocketsnes source since I did not need all of the arm cpu core stuff.