what's your GP32 addiction?

Genemu and sms for me any roms I can get working but mostly megabomberman Streets of rage 3 ans sonic 1 and 2 oh and alien soldier
I am addicted to Final Match tennis on GpEngine. Other than that, i am currently playing Sonic 3 Triple Trouble on fSMS and just generally swapping between new games continually...
I always got on my SMC :

- GP Pang
- Monkey Island 1 & 2 (Gp Scumm)
- Sensible Soccer (Snes version, it rules @156 Mhz Frame Skip 1)
- Chrono Trigger (abit slow with sound but without is excellent)
- Super Off Road / Syndicate / Cannon Fodder (Snes version again)
- Bomberman 94 + Parodius + NEw Zealand Story + Bonk 3 (PCE)
- Mario 1,2,3 + Zelda 1 + North&South + Dr Mario + Boulder Dash (NES)
- Wonderboy V + PacMania + Psycho Fox (Master System)
- Metal Slug 1st Mission + Puzzle Bubble Mini (Neo Geo Pocket)

which allow million hours of game ;op
GP32 is so perfect :)
I agree the GP32 is the most fun you can have with your pants on! Psycho Fox is a game that all should try. Buy the Damn console and enjoy it in all it's glory! Originally I thought GPengine couldn't be beat but having played frodo (C64 emulation) and CaSTaway/GP (Atari ST emulation) I was also amazed. The GP32 is the mutts nutts. All rejoice!!!

Happy GP32 Owner Memnoch :D

Jesus how drunk was I last night? This post was supposed to go on a totally different topic! "Considering buying a GP, A few Qs" was were it was supposed to go.