what's your GP32 addiction?


Active Member
Feb 27, 2003
Los Angeles
Zardoz' SnesEmu (OC'd to 156) - these games all play with excellent speed

-Tetris Attack - someone just turned me onto this game, I originally dismissed it because the grafx were too cutesy. Now I can't put the f'er down. Check out the (quick) tutorial and give this game half a chance, you won't be able to stop playing. They slapped the Tetris name on there for marketing reasons, it's not too much like Tetris at all actually (except clearing rows and stuff)

-QBert 3 - you remember this old game! There was a colorful SNES update done years ago, and this game is starting to re-addict me. The controls are kind of crappy, since it's diagonals - try a few different configs on the Options screen and find one that you like, and go to town. Another really fun game, looks great on the GP32 screen too.

-Simcity (play in on Snes9x so you can save) - obviously the speed isn't an issue, the SNES had a nice console-friendly version of this game that is still quite fun to pick up and play.

-Syvalion - weird game, not sure if I like it yet but... definitely WEIRD.

-Do-Re-Mi Fantasy - sequel, sort of, to NES Milon's Secret Castle. Cute platform game.

I just put Super bomberman on there (supposed to be really fun) and I am anxiously waiting for them to finish up the Translation patch for Super Famicom Wars, that will suit the GP32 really well too! A couple more months probably..

GPEngine -
always tons of fun games to play on this system.
-Gomola Speed - a weid puzzle-ish kinda game by those weird developers at UPL (they always made weird-ass games, check out Mutant Night on Mame!!). This game is unique and strange and quite fun. You control a worm-centipede thing..

Alien Crush, Devil's Crush - video pinball sounds boring in principle, but these can be pretty fun.

weird colorful shooters dep't - look at Coryoon, Air Zonk (take a "power Dump!"), Hana Tahka Daka, Magical Chase, Override (intense!), Tenseiryu Saint Dragon

Volfied - a sequel to Qix, starts out kind of boring but gets addictive after a few plays. Nice game!
I have truck loads of ROMs to try play but the ones I find myself playing the most are:

FSMS32 (Sega Master System)
Psycho Fox - A cutsie platform game that is graphically amazing for a SMS. It has annoyingly repetitive music that gets stuck in your head. Check it out if you’ve never tried it!
Populous - Speaks for itself. The original 'God' game. I really need some rechargeable batteries to get the most out of this one.

GPengine (PC Engine)
R-Type - I have other games on the GPengine but this one blows me away (literally).

GPUGP (Gameboy)
Tetris - The original version still keeps me hooked for ages at a time.

I'm going to try and get stuck into Zelda on Little John (Nes) but I really need that damn battery recharger first!!

I'm currently addicted to Diablo 2 on the net on my PC, which is why my list is so small.

EDIT - Just discovered Castaway/GP and it rocks! Playing IK+ now!
My list changes fairly frequently, although right at the moment, I'm playing Earthbound for the most part. Wouldn't surprise me if I go back to Doom soon, though. Or Sonic. Or Phantasy Star Gaiden (which rawks, for anyone who's looking for a good RPG to play).

I don't really play much PCE, simply because the lack of saves frustrates the hell outa me...

NES-wise, Crystallis kept me going in France, SMB3 kept me going in exam season... And once all the mappers are properly working, Nobunaga 2 will keep me going for X-mas, methinks (that game is possibly one of my fave strategies possible on a handheld).

I'd use RM3K on Snes, of course, but mode 7 --> Slow as wossname.

There's others, of course, (Scumm will go straight to the top once a version comes out that doesn't have the cursor being slowed to a crawl every time there's music playing) but those are my most recent things...
gradius - pc engine
salamander -pc engine
pacland - pc engine
sensi soccer - snes
final fantasy 4 - snes
bruce lee - c64
impossible mission - c64
jetpac - spectrum
skool daze - spectrum
doom 2 - port
hanty party games - commercial
for her knight's - commercial
yatzee - homebrew
darts - homebrew
gpgames - shanghi - homebrew

these are what i'm playing
Im addicted to :-

Fire and Ice ----- on Castaway and my amiga
Zelda OoA ----- on GPvGB (plays very very well)
Sonic 2 ----- on Genemu (pretty good if u overclock)
Chrono Trigger ----- on Snes9x (Again, good if u overclock)
Pinball Dreams ----- (GP32 version)

I play a lot of other games aswell, but those i seem to play most
oh and
Super Mario Bros 3 ----- on littlejohn
this week oi ave mostly been playin; Crono Trigger on snes9x since I found it runs without fault at 156Mhz I have chocked up about 6 hours.

Some other of my fixes are;
Deflektor on the C64 - brilliant puzzle game,
I-Ball also on C64 - manic shoot em up reqiuring a lot of dexterity (try it try it),
Fantasy zone on the PC engine,
Mechwarrior on the SNES - good destructiveness
Civilisation on ST - hey it works you know!
Snake rattle and roll on NES - isometric wierdy platformer

my next epic game I reckon is a tossup between Earthbound, zelda & FF4 - not sure which yet

Galaga (PCEngine - would be nice to have highscore save for this)
Raiden (PCEngine)
Doom1 (Port)
Fire 'n Ice (NES)
Falldown (Homebrew)
a little bit of
Kyrby (NES)
megamen1 (NES - can't finisch the last boss of mm1 :angry: )
astoroids (homebrew - the colition bug keeps f##ing me up)

would like to play Space Taxi (C64).
But when i start the game the taxi keeps crashing right from the beginnig
(i can move for 1/2 sec. then it crashes without reason)
Any idea?
I don't use my GP32 as much as some, but

1. text viewer
2. mp3
3. video
4. doom
5. gpgames

(not in any specific order)
Im not getting a gp32 till christmas, but here are the games i play on my PC :D

Kirby - Best game ever, played it when i was four, now 14 and still playing.

Chrono Trigger - Very good game, exciting plot. I cannot beat that last dude with the hair tho.

Mario Kart - classic, but uses tranparencies so it slow, not sure about mode7.

Super Metroid - I almost forgot about this game, beat it like 10 times but still good! Will someone please tell me if SNES9xGP OC'd can play this?

Final Fantasy 3(6 in japan?) - Very good so far, just started.

R-Type 1/2 - very good shooters but not been able to get past the first level in either.

Genhead - I LOVE this game, i can actually get pretty far in it too.

There are others, this is just off the top of my head
Erm the only emulator i really do use is gpengine and it would be the only 1 i ever did use if it just had the frickin save support :( i mainly playyyy
Soldier blade
Raiden ( just fantastic !!!!! )
Super Star Solider
Military Madness ( i need save for this! realistically :( )
Palisade stars ( eyyy ! )
LqKids ( no idea whats going on with this but fun anyway
errr Sonic thats about it
I also like 2 play the doom ff3 port thats pretty cool

It gets mainly used as an mp3 player for my walk 2 school

Maybe at some point i wll play some snes but i'm extremely picky with emulators and like them to have sound at fs 3 atleast :(
I have completed megaman 5 on little john which was fun infact i play nes roms quite alot and quite a few sms 2
I haven't played 2 much atari st recently though would like some suggestions 2 good games on the st :(
Doom II
Mario Picross-GB

I don't have a lot of free time to play my GP32 anymore because of all the homework I get :(
Super Star Soldier and Bomberman 94 are my classics on GPengine, but I dont play them alot.
In fact I dont play emus at all atm.
I used to play Super Mario World a bit as well as R-Type on GPengine - but hey, i can play these on my consoles, too. So what sense makes it to play them on the gp at home?
So the games i play:

- Blood Cross Demo
- GlooP (waiting for GlooP DX which should already be released, regarding the homepage ;) )
- Her Knights
- Doom-WADs
- GiriGiri Walker
- Super Plusha Demo

Thats whats on my Smart Meida Cards atm.
I've got a lot of spare time atm, so i'm often playing my gp32 and I like choices :)

Doom II
Rick Dangerous Gold
Rise Of The Triad

Atari 2600
Bump 'N' Jump

Atari 5200
Moon Patrol

Atari ST
Buggy Boy
Chip's Challenge
Super Hang-on
Stunt Car Racer

Impossible Mission
Rolling Thunder


Game & Watch Gallery games
Harvest Moon
Mr. Driller
Super Mario Land 2
Zelda - A Link To The Past

Sonic The Hedgehog
Streets Of Rage

PC Engine
Bonk's Adventure
Dragon Spirit
Galaga '88
Ninja Spirit
Parasol Stars
The New Zealand Story

Penguin Adventure

Super Mario Bros 3

Bank Panic
Bubble Bobble
Ghouls 'N Ghosts
Sonic Chaos
Wonderboy In Monster Land

Pac In Time

Ghostly Grange
- GlooP (waiting for GlooP DX which should already be released, regarding the homepage ;) )
Hi Hanuka,
I'll be posting this on the official website later, but, here's the explanation for gloop dx not being released yet:
On Sunday evening, I was just doing the finishing touches, testing all the levels, altering values, making sure they're all at the right difficulties, and my batteries ran out, so, I put them in the charger, ready to finish it all off on Monday. Unfortunately, on Monday I woke up with this terrible flu bug that's going around in the UK (or at least where I am in Hampshire/Dorset), I'll have caught it off my mate who had it when I went out Saturday evening. Anyhow, I'm feeling a lot better now, and will do my best to finish the game off tomorrow, I've just got about 20% of the levels to finish, then I can change the values (been writing them down as I go along), and it should be done!
So, I'm terribly sorry about the delay, being ill really does suck, but I can promise, assuming I don't fall ill, or some other unpredictable event happens (I seem to be getting a lot of those lately), Gloop DX will be released this week.

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- GlooP (waiting for GlooP DX which should already be released, regarding the homepage ;) )
Hi Hanuka,
I'll be posting this on the official website later, but, here's the explanation for gloop dx not being released yet:
On Sunday evening, I was just doing the finishing touches, testing all the levels, altering values, making sure they're all at the right difficulties, and my batteries ran out, so, I put them in the charger, ready to finish it all off on Monday. Unfortunately, on Monday I woke up with this terrible flu bug that's going around in the UK (or at least where I am in Hampshire/Dorset), I'll have caught it off my mate who had it when I went out Saturday evening. Anyhow, I'm feeling a lot better now, and will do my best to finish the game off tomorrow, I've just got about 20% of the levels to finish, then I can change the values (been writing them down as I go along), and it should be done!
So, I'm terribly sorry about the delay, being ill really does suck, but I can promise, assuming I don't fall ill, or some other unpredictable event happens (I seem to be getting a lot of those lately), Gloop DX will be released this week.

Yeah! Great news Toris!
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this week oi ave mostly been playin; Crono Trigger on snes9x since I found it runs without fault at 156Mhz I have chocked up about 6 hours.
Is that with or without sound? I'd have hit CT earlier, but I like the music too much to play it on silent...
yeah sound slows it down some, I tend to turn music on when the cut-scenes kick in and leave it off when playing the game- it's not perfect but well playable
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