Whats On Ur Smc Atm?

Lots of music!
Giana's Return
and some *unnamed* beta's :)

But before that I had 2 hours worth of cartoons, perfect for a plane trip :)
Airport security though it was a camera, then a PDA :) they even used the sniffer to look for explosives on it :blink:
I have a crapload of stuff on my gp32_console , but the only things I ever really use are:

GPaint ( Thanks Don! )
Little John

and betas of a game I'm programming...
osnes9xgp - currently playing through DKCIII with the odd bit of arkanoid.
Fgen Xmas Beta - Bit of road rash and sonic here and there
Scummvm - DOTT!
NeoGP32 - Puzbob and metal slug
fgb32 - Zelda oracle of seasons

then for my bed time pleasure

kreader - michael moore, dude wheres my country!

all on one 64mb smc, soon will have my second one with 24 episode 19 or 20, i forget and moviepark!
I have seven 128MB SMCs...

1st one: Little John + ROMS
2nd one: fSMS + ROMS (GG & SMS)
3rd one: gpEngine + ROMS, SidPlayer, Wolf3D
4th one: fGB32 + ROMS
5th one: Frodo, Castaway, Atari 800, MSX + ROMS
6th one: Comm. Games (Mill, Pinball Dreams, Super Plusha) and a loooot of PDGames (Giana, Wolf3D, etc.)
7th one: Changes... it's my testing card :) ATM: BOR, Snes9x, fgen32 + ROMS.

Waiting on my harddisk in already assorted directories (so I just have to copy the stuff I need on to a new card):
Doom, gpCinema

All my cards are configured to autoboot (when there's only a single emu on it) or with custom bootmenu using Aquafish :)
deep breath.

little wizard
gp cinema with 22min Final Fantasy Unlimited Episode 1 (free with psm2 :D )
gp viewer
caSTaway/gp + Games
fgb32 1st public beta + Games
gravity force
GpEngine + Games
little john + Games
mya mya rocket
snes emu + Games
atari 800 + Games
perfect fit
bomberman world gp
fsms32 + Games
catsmanga (if thats what its called cant remeber or read korean)

and finally my game in progress ;)

so in short just a few things.

All on 128mb card with 10mb left considering the amount of stuff im well happy
1st 128mb smc with euro firmware -
  • Yafl
  • Doom 2 and Duke Nuken wads
  • Comi
  • Rise of the triad
  • Castaway with turrican and speedball 2
  • Little John GP with 1942, bionic commando, blaster master, bucky o hare, kirby, spy hunter, super maio 1, 2 and 3, tetris, tetris 2, wacky racers and warios woods.
  • GPEngine with afterburner, bomberman 94, Bonk 3, Devils crush pinball, final match tennis, ninja spirit, outrun and R-type
  • Fgen32 with nothing on, just for testing purposes or until I find a game that works properly :p
  • Beats of rage
  • GPFM
  • Fsms32 with bubble bobble, dr. robotnics mean bean machine, megaman, super columns, aladdin, california games 2, casino games, ecco the dolphin, The flash, golden axe, incredible hulk, james pond 2, krustys fun house, lemmings, lucky dime caper starring donald duck, marble madness, ninja gaiden, penguin land, psycho fox, r-type, secret commando, sonic chaos, sonic the hedgehog.
  • OS9xGP with arkaniod, bomberman, columns, f-zero, mario kart, ms pacman, super punchout, puzzle bobble, river city ransom, super mario world, super mario all stars, zelda a link to the past
  • FGB32 kirbys dream land, mario and yoshi and wacky races
  • NeoGP32
  • Metal slug 1 and 2, snkvs capcom and sonic
2nd 128mb smc with Madplay gp32 v0.9 -
  • 21 assorted hiphop mp3s
  • GPMadmp3
  • The beta mp3 player
  • Omega5's wma player
64mb smc with Yafl -
  • Andyman
  • bob the amazing lemon
  • drunken frogger
  • elf logic
  • falldown
  • gianas return
  • gloop!
  • GPSquares
  • JBB's gp32 breakout
  • KOF91v14
  • Perfect fit
  • slyro the radioactive cat
  • Xrick fold edition
  • Comi
  • GPKat
  • Tomak
Official Her Knights smc

Edit - Enslaved's post below is because I managed to cross Akuma no Houkon name with hakuna matata <_<. All fixed now though!
akuna homutaka


I have on a 128MB SMC:

Gigas Engine
fGen weekend with a non working rom :p
Lazy Reader
Omega5's WMA
GPEngine with Military Madness Rom
Little John GP with 2 roms
Advance War
GP32 Doom V9
GpTetris v1 (Is there a better native Tetris game?)
Perfect Fit
xRick Gold
A lot of stuff i just don't even use so i just delete them all the time.


omega mp3/wma player
gigas engine
and tons of korean music
I have 2 one for tv/films etc which changes all the time and a second with -

Doom/doom 2
Sms32 + roms
Little John +roms
Pinball dreams
Perfect fit
Gp Squares
Gpengine +roms
Castaway + roms
Gloop Deluxe
Gianas return
Beats of Rage
Speccyal + roms
Fgen32 + roms
Gp Viewer
My most played is Perfectfit, but I've got a plethora of things on my SMC...

What we need is a 'gold list' of things that people simply MUST have on their SMC...

Any offers?

Perfectfit is my first suggestion.
On my SMC (only have 1x64MB :() now:
  • Benchmark
  • BOR v.2 + Stripped .pak
  • Chicken2
  • Drunken Frogger
  • EdegeWrite thingy
  • Fenix + Chamelon
  • fGen + Sonic1 (not working)
  • Giana's Return
  • Gigas Engine 0.6.0
  • Gloop Deluxe
  • GPAsteroids
  • GpChess2 (no, it's not released, and it doesn't do anything else but show X's and O's on the screen now)
  • Jpeg View (Don't have any Jpegs, need to delete this)
  • N-Tris
  • Slyro the Radioactive Cat
  • YAFL