Whats On The Disc?


Still Fresh
Nov 4, 2005
From the GBAx.com site:

GP2X console (With 64M Internal Storage)
USB Cable for PC connection (With 2.0 Support)
Preloaded Linux with Media player (MP3, Divx, WMA etc.)
CD with Games, Utilities, MP3 player, Movie player
2 * AA batteries
SDK - Make your own games!

Anyone knows what the games/utilities on the CD are?
Of course, NFS: Underground I & II and X-Box emulator.

dont be freaking stupid... its an Xbox 360 emulator! :lol:

anyways... the truth is we don't know, and it doesnt really matter cus I assume anything on the CD will be on this sites archives anyways around the same time :) maybe even before...
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I would suspect that alot of the CD will be taken up by the SDK and the source for the media player. Since it uses Linux Im guessing they used Mplayer or Xine for the movie playing abilities, maybe lame and libogg for audio. So Im guessing "Utilities, MP3 player, Movie player" all have to do with that.
It will just be the same as the gp32 disk - a collection of any available software so people won't have to spend ages downloading. So to answer your question - no-one knows what will be on the disk as no software has been released yet.