What's On The Cd In The Gpx2 Package?


Active Member
Dec 15, 2003

i wonder what is on the cd in the gp2x value pack.
the console is advertised with "mame, snes, etc.". so can it emulate these systems right out of the box?
I'm guessing they don't even know yet. With the hardware still not put together. The software will be what ever they have finished in time. I would say that the following few weeks after launch will be very exciting indeed.
0-bake posted on Sep 17 2005 at 01:55 PM said:
hi at

i wonder what is on the cd in the gp2x value pack.
the console is advertised with "mame, snes, etc.". so can it emulate these systems right out of the box?
Don't rely on it. However, even if they are not, it won't be long time until they are availiable. The only thing that was confirmed to be included are two game demos or even two full games.
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i remember, they advertised the gp2x with "plays mame, genesis, snes, etc." on the official website.
and on the gbax site it says: game: mame, snes, etc.

sounds a bit like fraud, if they advertise with that and "only" give the possibility that it could be available maybe someday.
Gbax just says "MAME, Emus" and gpx2.com said MAME and SNES. GPH helps some developers to develope the emulators, but it wouldn't be very intelligent to put the emulators on the CD because they don't want to be sued.
0-bake posted on Sep 17 2005 at 07:49 PM said:
i remember at they advertised the gp2x with "plays mame, genesis, snes, etc." on the official website.
and on the gbax site it says: game: mame, snes, etc.

sounds a bit like fraud, if they advertise with that and "only" give the possibility that it could be available maybe someday.
its hardly fraud if they say it can play these and they dont give us an emulator to play them. We all know that it will play them sooner rather than later but there is no person here who would surely be upset if one of these was not ready at launch, such is the nature of homebrew.

Ooooh, craig you naughty fraudster youuuuuu!! :P
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OrR posted on Sep 17 2005 at 09:26 PM said:
Emulators are completely legal. You can't get sued for them.

BZZZ! Wrong. You can get sued for anything. You may not get convicted, but the legal fees will grind you down bad.
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Emulators are completely legal. You can't get sued for them.

AFAIK Nintendo has a patent on emulators in the US. GPH shouldn't risk anything because they really have a low budget. ;)
EvilDragon posted on Sep 18 2005 at 12:30 AM said:
Well, don't worry, for I know where the emulators will be available, if not on the CD ;)

Huh! Where is this magical place!

Oh, yes! I know! you ment gp2x.de diddn't you! Stupid me... :ph34r:
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Digitalrat posted on Sep 17 2005 at 07:22 PM said:
Emulators are completely legal. You can't get sued for them.

AFAIK Nintendo has a patent on emulators in the US. GPH shouldn't risk anything because they really have a low budget. ;)

That supposed copyright holds no weight, it's specific wording is designed to fool people into THINKING they have something to worry about.
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and seeing as the GP2X isn't a phone, PDA OR device built into the back of an airplane seat it's totally useless. As for nintendo's attempts at patenting these thing I'm sure that the proof of prior art is strong enough to bury them although they could just bully people with legal fees and make them disappear (*cough* $ony vs. Bleem)
EvilDragon posted on Sep 17 2005 at 11:30 PM said:
Well, don't worry, for I know where the emulators will be available, if not on the CD ;)

that is not what i meant.
i mean, the GP32 wasn't advertised with "it can play genesis games", because it couldn't play genesis at the release in 2001 and even at this time, nobody knew if it would play them ever.
so if i now see the GP2X and the official website says "plays mame,snes,genesis", it sounds like that it really can do it.
and not "maybe possible to emulate snes, under good circumstances eventually in 3 years, if somebody creates an emulator".

because saying "plays mame, snes,..." sounds like a promise and not like a chance.
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0-bake posted on Sep 17 2005 at 08:41 PM said:
EvilDragon posted on Sep 17 2005 at 11:30 PM said:
Well, don't worry, for I know where the emulators will be available, if not on the CD ;)

that is not what i meant.
i mean, the GP32 wasn't advertised with "it can play genesis games", because it couldn't play genesis at the release in 2001 and even at this time, nobody knew if it would play them ever.
so if i now see the GP2X and the official website says "plays mame,snes,genesis", it sounds like that it really can do it.
and not "maybe possible to emulate snes, under good circumstances eventually in 3 years, if somebody creates an emulator".

because saying "plays mame, snes,..." sounds like a promise and not like a chance.

*stands up and claps*
The only thing is that is that it is inevetable that someone will code a mame, snes and genesis emulator for it. I mean if they had one for the gp32 then why no have one, on the faster one too? Someone has to make a good snes emulator, they could use one proccesor for sound and the other one for everything else, that would work really well. You might be able to put more on the proccesor with sound though.
I can't wait for this thing.
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The gp2x can do snes emulation easily, the problem is not with the hardware, it's with the people writing software on it. If people just do a straight port of a zaurus emu, they're only using 50% of the available power. That means we just have a 200mhz GP32. Only if people start using the 2d acc and second core the gp2x's power can be harvested fully.