What's Occupying Your Wiz?


Jun 12, 2009
As the title states, what's taking over your wiz atm?

Read about advanced wars on GBA and thought it looked silly...wow was I wrong, such a fun little game. I keep trying ot go back to NES and what not but for some reason I just can't get back into those games.
The built-in Zoo Keeper clone and Alex Kidd Master System Emu. Great fun.

I'm hoping for Spectrum, BBC & Atari 800 emus to make their way over.

Thanks to all the devs for their hard work and time.

Edit: Animal Crossing Zoo Keeper. Similar you see, easy to confuse. Oops.
Two games I'm devving


Balloonacy - Think Manic Miner with a hot air balloon


RockRush - BoulderDash clone
Balloonacy, that's a clone of Crazy Balloon right?

There's nothing in my Wiz yet, since I don't have it, but I can at least show what I had on my F100, it'll likely be similar.


Whilst Balloonacy does appear to be similar to Crazy Balloon, it is in fact an original game that I first created about 10 years ago (before I even knew of Crazy Balloon) and has numerous features that aren't in that game. So it's similar in concept, but it's certainly not a clone or remake.
Similar? The graphics are remarkably similar alone. :P
It looks good though, I'll be sure to try it when it's ready.
Blix2x - Small and addictive puzzle game from Alex.
Sqdef - My all time favorite tower defence game from Alex.
Snake on Dope - I missed this on the GP2x. Brilliant snake game from Ruckage.
Quake 2 - Impressive port of the classic from Pickle.
gpSP - With the new scaler and the last bugfixes now even better GBA emu from notaz.
MAME4all - A real masterpiece. The arcade emu from Franxis.

Thanks to all the Wiz devs for the hard work!


Looks nice. Thanks for a look in the pipeline...

From the time I preordered my Wiz I tried very hard not to play older games because I wanted to save them for the Wiz (and didn't want to start over). So, my Wiz is full of games and emulators--but right now I'm playing:

Monster Rancher Advance
Kuru Kuru Kururin
Super Dodge Ball Advance

Link to the Past (I bought a physical copy of this game maybe a year ago but never gave it a serious go, so I thought the Wiz was a good opportunity)
Romance of the Three Kingdoms IV (I think I'm too spoiled by VIII and IX, it's kind of hard to go back and play the older ones)
Sim City
Wordtris (one of my favorite quick pick-up-and-play games)

Dragon's Lair (beat my childhood record of never getting past the first screen by getting about two screens in!)
Night Trap (exploiting save states to get a perfect score, since I've beaten it a few times in the past)

I also play Ghosts n Goblins for the NES but for the length of playtime I can manage you can hardly even call that playing. Still, I get better every day!

There's tons of other games that I have on there and I try to get as much variety as I can when I just want to play anything in particular, but those are the games I play consistently. A few too many games to handle at one time, especially since I just bought my first working PS2 in two years and five games with that, so frankly I'm a bit swamped with games right now.
I've been playing Crysis:Warhead and Call of Juarez on my Wiz.

...I might be lying though.
well, the cryengine does scale decently. for shits n giggles once I put it on the lowest everything options and took a screen shot, I seriously looked like doom
For me it has been mostly gpsp and LoZ: The Minish Cap. I have a soft spot for Zelda games since the glory days of my youth :)

Otherwise it is a mix up between home brew. Some of the built in flash games are pretty fun, too.
deekayfry said:
For me it has been mostly gpsp and LoZ: The Minish Cap. I have a soft spot for Zelda games since the glory days of my youth :)

Otherwise it is a mix up between home brew. Some of the built in flash games are pretty fun, too.

Like some Zelda huh? Hmm...
If you think you're good at Link to the Past, you should give the romhack, Parallel Towers a try...
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The new graphics look great Iprice, can't wait to play this. :)

Will it have a level editor?
Cheers :)

The new graphics are an improvement, but I'm still working on them.

It's got a level editor included, but I've not actually tried using it on the Wiz tbh.
wow iprice, that game looks FAPtastic, can't wait for it.

Well, in my wiz I've actually...:

-Picodrive: sonic cd, ecco the dolphin, sparkster...
-Pocketnes: soulblazer, illusion of time, terranigma, super mario kart, super mario all stars, secret of evermore, super robot taisen 3 & 4, the legend of zelda a link to the past...
-gpfce-wiz: mike tyson's punch-out, super mario bros 3, abbadox, river city ransom, battletoads, burger time, all the castlevanias...
-neocd: last blade 1 & 2
-mame4all: aliens, dig dug, sunset raiders, the punisher
-Rise of the Triads, Quake 1 & 2, Doom 1 & 2, jazzjackrrabit, the ur-quan masters, wolfenstein 3d, spear of destiny, x-com, Albion...
-Lemonboy: super mario land 2, metal gear solid babel ghost
-Gpsp: super mario advance 3, castlevania aria of sorrow, final fantasy VI...

what can I say, I'm a hoarder :P
Gpsp:Castlevania games,Advance wars and Shining soul 2
Final burn alpha. Only that as I haven't gotten around to getting pocketsnes or temper to work yet. Also I watched a jackie chan movie and I have a few more of those for later.
klikklak said:
Final burn alpha. Only that as I haven't gotten around to getting pocketsnes or temper to work yet. Also I watched a jackie chan movie and I have a few more of those for later.

i just watched righteous kill on mine, it really isn't that bad of a movie player at all once you get some headphones/
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