Generally being busy? Updating a site does take time, after all... Quite apart from the fact that if the intention is to put up results and entries at the same time, all the judges have to have found time to give each entry a decent test - and it all takes time. And when you're in the middle of a release, bugging various people to get their deliveries speeded up, and such, that kind of time could take a little while to come up with...
Plus which, this is a competition where each entry, if I understand it correctly, is judged against their previously entered version. Which means they have to be played for a while too to get the original state of things into the mind.
And of course, we're all forgetting that other entries that have been in previous compos may well have been updated - that means there's another few versions we're all not expecting which have to be tested - e.g. potentially The Great Gianna Sisters remake; remember, the original never came out, but the final one did - which means both are available to be judged against one another. And I can't believe that's the only situation in which there'll have been a "covert" entry (i.e. found off the net with the dev'r having updated it)...